Chapter 74 - Best Sister of the Year

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OH... MY ... WORD...



I don't know what to say, since no amount of sorrys could make up for this.

This chapter was very very long. There is no way to close this with just one chapter, so I decided it to divide it up. But there won't be anyway waiting because they're all put up at the same time. Cheers !

Here is the first part. 

I could do this.

I could definitely do this.

My palms were sweating and I could almost feel my throat slowly close up. I found myself making tiny bites on my bottom lip. I lifted my hand from my side and reached it towards the doorknob, but as if a force wrapping around my elbow, I stopped short, flexing my fingers slightly. I almost touched the silver colored metal before I had a complete change of heart, smacked my hands right back down to my sides and did a complete 180 degree turn and sprinted my little ass out of that doorway.

I could definitely not do this!

Fuck allathat nonsense!

Unfortunately, I didn't get very far, although—I really did try. I hard ran right smack into some pretty hard surface. I backed up holding my hand to my nose where the impact lay. Oh, what was that?

I reached my hand out and felt the obstacle.

Was that a wall?

With pecs?

And nipples?

I retracted my hand.

"Hey, what's the big deal?" I huffed crossing my arms as I looked up at the shirtless tan boy.

"Macy, you gotta stop running from you fears," Embry said tilting his head at me.

I lifted a hand to my chest, "Me? Running away from my fears?" I repeated in disbelief, "As if." I scoffed.

Embry narrowed his eyes at me.

"And besides, I'm afraid of her," I said swinging my thumb over my shoulder.

Embry wasn't buying anything that I was selling.

I frowned at him, "Well, what are you even doing here? And is this how you greet me? I mean, I understand's not like it's been a week since I've woken up from my coma or anything... not like I was expecting to see you because you're my best friend or anything... not like I'm heart broken—" Okay, I was being dramatic, but you get the point. It's been a week since I've woken up and I've had exactly no visitors since Davis and now that I'm running away from my responsibilities, here Embry comes nearly knocking me over, with no "Hello" "How you been?" or even a "Are you okay?"

Just then, Embry bent down and swiftly swooped me off my feet. I squeaked loudly completely caught off guard from this great big bear hug. Or should I say werewolf hug—ba bum tis! I'll be here all week people!

"AWW, MACY!" he squeezed tight.

"Embry!" I tried to wheeze out. "Werewolf," I said touching the top of his head before pointing a finger to myself, "Human." I indicated, hoping he'd understand. He did.

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