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Yoona's Point of View 


That was all I wanted to know. How, after 2 years of not seeing him or hearing from him, did he end up in my presence once again? My emotions ran wild; conflicted and confused. My fingers fumbled around in my suitcase pockets, trying to pull out the last item I'd left in there. 

A small silver heart-shaped photo frame was now in my grasp. It held one of my dearest moments behind its glass pane... a photo of Jungkook and I. The selfie we had taken that day. The corners of my lips turned upwards unknowingly, reminiscing the days we'd spent walking in the park, or the evenings we'd spent cuddled up watching a film. 

I shouldn't do this. 

Placing the photo frame deep within my clothes in my drawer so it couldn't be seen, I shut the drawer with a bang and stood up, brushing my hair out of my face and checking the time. Just as I was about to leave the apartment, the familiar ring of my phone sounded.

Heechul calling

Sorry, I thought as I cut the call, not in the mood to speak to him right now, even though I knew it would only worry him. Sigh

Jungkook's Point of View



"Jeon Jungkook!" 

"Huh?" I snapped out of daze and halted my activity of pacing the studio. Jin stood staring at me with an expression of confusion. 

"You have just, absentmindedly, walked around this practice room," he paused as he stepped closer, "eight times. Not to mention," He gently pulled my hand from my mouth, "You're biting your nails. What's the matter?" 

I sighed. What do I tell him? Not when she's already made it clear we don't know each other. "Nothing hyung," Giving him a small smile, I attempted to slide past him but he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the chairs at the side, away from the others. "So, how do you and Yoona know each other?" 

"We don't," I answered shortly before pulling out of his grasp and quickly walked away before his interrogation began. I was really not in the mood to be questioned right now...

"Yoona-ssi!" Taehyung called out with a grin, and I felt my insides feel slightly funny. And no, it wasn't something I ate. It was rather, someone who had just entered the room.

"Hello..." Her voice was quiet, and I knew straight away she was nervous. Refraining from going over to her and taking her into my arms, like what my heart was urging me to do, my body decided to heed the advice of my brain which was actually thinking sensibly - which was to leave her alone. Professional work relationship. That is all there is now. Idols can't date, remember Jungkook?

But I couldn't stop my keen eyes from following her as she walked over to our choreographer; I couldn't prevent myself from observing her hand gestures as she tried to understand all the things the choreographer was telling her; I couldn't help notice the way she kept tucking and untucking her silky dark hair behind her ear. She finally nodded and both of them turned to face us. Our choreographer, he clapped his hands to gather our attention and we gave it to him, as he played the music. 

"Let's go! Practise this song again, we need to make adjustments, and Yoona will be with us from now on. In all your practice sessions, okay?" He said loudly over the sound blasting from the speaker, and we nodded in understanding before starting the routine. 

Normally my mind and body work as one, my limbs strongly yet elegantly executing the correct moves every time, never missing beat. Dance was part of me, something that never went wrong. Until today. I was concentrating so hard on not looking at Yoona whilst trying to make my body heed my mind that I didn't realise the music had stopped.

"Jungkook," Jimin grabbed my arm gently to stop me from moving. 

"Yes?" Did the choreographer really have to call me out? Of course he did. It's his job. 

"Jeon Jungkook. For someone who is normally spot on, it's surprising to see so many little errors today. Are you alright,boy?" He came over and placed a concerning hand on my shoulder. Over his shoulder, Yoona was clear in my vision as she avoided my eyes and played with her sleeve. Taking a deep breath I breathed out a sigh and nodded, apologising. He paused as he gave me a 'I know you're not okay but I'll let you off' look and walked back to the front. "Let's go again."

After dancing for what seemed like hours, he passed over to Yoona, who suddenly stood up straight with a smile when she was called. She's gotten confident, I smiled as I watched her demonstrate the stretches with ease and making us follow. And flexible, I smirked before mentally scolding myself for allowing my mind to wander and got back to stretching. 

"And the last one," She smiled and I couldn't help but feel soothed by her voice, the voice I'd been longing to hear. 

"Great! Now, if you have any aches, pains or anything of the sort, you need to let Yoona know okay? Any muscle ache and she can help you with it, just ask. You can go now," Our choreographer waved us goodbye as he left. Taehyung swung an arm around my shoulder and pulled me to the door while singing.

"Hyung, one moment," I muttered, and he nodded absentmindedly before going off to annoy Jimin for a while. The others were busy gathering their phones and hoodies, and grabbing water.

It was now or never. 


Her body froze for a second, before she slowly turned around, clutching her things. My frown deepened at her expression, which was unsmiling. But it didn't deter me. "I think we need to talk," I whispered, and she looked up at me with an unreadable expression. 

"I don't think we do." She tried to push past but I blocked her path. "Please let me-"


The girl side-stepped me and nimbly slipped out of the door, waving bye to the others. I was about to call her back but Jimin got there before me. "Wait Yoona! Let me walk you home, it's dark outside," He flashed her a grin and she giggled, answering, "I live next door Jimin," But the boy was adamant, and the others trailed out behind the pair. Grumbling to myself, I followed behind my chatting hyungs, passing off my non-talkative state as tiredness which they didn't believe but just nodded and didn't push the matter further. 

You might have avoided me today Yoona, but not for long. Just wait...

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