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Jungkook's Point of View

I'm holding her hand, I'm holding her hand-

Yoona eased her hand out of my grip, causing an awkward silence to fall over us. Hiding my disappointment, I desperately looked around for something, a distraction.
"How about that one?!" Yoona suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a large roller coaster with multiple loops. I glanced at her shining face and grinned. "Let's go!"

"Oh I'm excited," Yoona giggled, her pearly white teeth on show as she grinned widely, her eyes glimmering with happiness. Smiling at her, I chuckled and gripped the handlebar in front of me.
"Sure you won't be sick?" I smirked, and she shot me a look smugly.
"Pretty sure I won't," She grinned as the ride began to move. "WOOHOO!"

"Oh my god."
I slumped against the fence, the queasy feeling taking over my body as Yoona spun around, cheering.
"That was awesome! Let's go again!"
"No! Once was enough," I groaned, my stomach still doing the loop-the-loop from the ride.
"Aw, poor baby," Yoona chuckled smugly, pinching my cheeks. I scoffed and swatted her hands away, standing up straight again, even though I wanted nothing more than to clasp her hands and keep them there. But she was already bounding away, looking for another ride. I gazed after her, a smile gracing my lips as I realised just how much I loved this girl.

"Are you coming or are you just going to keep staring at me?" Yoona cocked her head to the side as a small smile played on her lips. I smirked, sauntering up to her and leaning over her petite figure.
"I can't help it Yoona...you're such an eyesore," I laughed as her expression changed to one of shock as she tried to hit me. Dodging out of the way while laughter was still erupting from my mouth at her comical anger, I scurried away with her right on my heels, still attempting to hit me for my remark.
"You know I'm kidding," I smiled, but she turned away and pouted playfully.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met," I whispered in her ear, watching satisfyingly as a
soft blush tainted her cheeks. Realising my lingering gaze was making her flustered, I pulled my eyes away from her and to our surroundings, falling on something that made my lips curl into a smirk.

"Hey Yoona."
She looked up and followed my line of sight.
"A horror house! Yeah!"
Yoona began to walk in the direction of the haunted ride, and I frowned. She's supposed to be scared; how will I get the chance to be heroic and protect her if not?

With a little sigh, I followed after her. "Slow down," I laughed, and she giggled.
"Come on then," I guided her inside and down a flight of stairs, before sitting in the very front car of the ride, as creepy music flowed through the dark underground cavern which was poorly lit.
"Enjoy your ride," the staff member grinned before pulling down the safety railings.

"Erm Jungkook?"
I glanced over at Yoona, whose face had paled and smile had vanished.
"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..."
"Aw, poor baby," I imitated her voice and statement from earlier, but she visibly gulped and I realised she actually was scared.
"Hey, I've got you. Don't worry," I leant closer to her and whispered comfortingly. Gathering my courage, I carefully slipped my hand into hers, shutting my eyes and waiting for her to pull away.
My eyes opened in surprise when I felt her squeeze my hand tighter. Now probably wasn't the time to feel giddy and happy but...
"It'll be fine," I smiled.

I was actually impressed. The figures, decor and special effects were very realistic, even I was almost scared.
Yoona kept flinching and jumping, clutching my arm tighter and tighter with each scare, eventually shutting her eyes completely and willing the ride to be over, causing me to let out a chuckle.
After all the riders stood up and stepped out of the cars, I bent down to secure my shoelace before standing back up.
My head whipped around, my eyes darting back and forth. Where is she??
"Yoona!" My voice echoed across the dark hall, my heart pounding. Where could she have gone...

"Jungkook!" Her body flung into mine, her face buried into my chest as she tried to calm her fast breathing. Before I could ask her what happened, a black clad figure approached us. My arms, upon instinct, tightened around the girl in my hold.
The figure removed its mask.
"I'm so sorry," the staff member apologised, and I sighed realising what happened.
"It's just a tradition, we always add a final scare to one of the riders."
"It's okay," I smiled lightly at the staff member before turning my attention back to Yoona, who was slowly recovering from the shock.
"Sorry," She pulled away gently, much to my dismay. She could probably hear my heart beating insanely fast.
"Don't apologise," I whispered, before taking her hand.
And she didn't even pull away.
With a smile, I gently guided her up the stairs and back out into the broad daylight, where she  visibly relaxed.
"I didn't expect that to be so scary," She mumbled with a timid laugh, and I chuckled.
"To be honest, me neither."
Suddenly in my peripheral vision, I caught sight of the person I wanted to see the least. Heechul was scouring the area, no doubt searching for Yoona. Luckily, Yoona had not yet seen him, and he hadn't spotted us yet. Dammit; where are Jin and Rapmon? They're supposed to keep him occupied!

Thank goodness for popcorn stands. Clutching her hand more securely, I quickly pulled Yoona to the stand, noticing Heechul coming ever more close.
What to do, what to do-
Without thinking, I moved forward and flung my arms around her body, pulling her close to mine, moving one hand to the back of her head forcing her face into my chest. I buried my face into her neck, so now both of our faces were not visible.
"Jungkook, what are you doing," A muffled mumble came from Yoona as she tried to slip out of the hold, causing me to further tighten the embrace. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Heechul storm away in the opposite direction, clearly frustrated. Convinced he'd left, I let go of Yoona with a sigh.
"Sorry," I rubbed the back of my neck, avoiding her eyes. I could feel her looking at me weirdly, but she didn't say anything.
While she was distracted by buying popcorn, I quickly hit Jin a text.

Why is Heechul roaming free?? He almost saw us!

Jin replied within seconds.

WHERE?? We had him but he managed to slip away, we'll go distract him again

After telling Jin in which direction the boy was headed, I turned back to Yoona who was now holding a large box of sweet popcorn.
Grabbing a handful, I popped some in my mouth as well as down Yoona's shirt, causing her to laugh and start a popcorn fight. Excellent.

"Thanks for the lovely day out," Yoona smiled and said softly, tucking loose hair behind her ear as her gaze dropped to the floor. She stood at her front door of her apartment, after the pair of us took the bus after I convinced her the others had already taken the van home.
"Anytime," I grinned, leaning forward and pecking her cheek with the last of my courage. Before she could say anything I backed away, waving and walking down the path with a silly smile adorning my lips.

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