Chapter 1

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Dan and I stand across from each other in the the living room, both of us glaring. I can see my reflection in his eyes: My blue ones are like the wild ocean sea, ready to lash out.

We've been having these arguments more since our game grew. And I feel it's all my fault.

If I had just not agreed to end our relationship a few months ago, maybe we would be okay. Two ex's living together can't possibly be happy right? Especially if they share their lives separately to the Internet.

"Phil, I told you i don't want to talk about this" Dan says again, turning on his heel to walk to his room, where he will probably remain for hours again.

"Dan, I just want to know what's happening to us," I call after him, walking forward a few more steps.

"Look Phil," he answers irritated, "Nothing is happening to us. We're friends.""

"Then why do you never act like it?" I beg, grabbing his shoulder, forcing him to face me. "Dan, please, tell me, tell me why you don't want to sit together or talk in public. Or even just make collab videos anymore.

"Because my followers are getting the wrong idea!" Dan yells, his brown eyes angry. "I don't like people getting the wrong idea we're together, because we're not!" He sighs. "Not anymore."

I look at him, hurt etched in my features. I feel this pain will never leave me.

I told him I don't love him anymore because that's what he wanted. I tell our fans that we're just friends because that's what he wanted.

I didn't know what he wants is for me to leave. Because that's obviously what he wants.

"It bothers me, Phil. Understand." Now Dan is the one pleasing. But he doesn't sound as pathetic as I do. "I'm not gay. What we were doing being together... It was all a big mistake."

Dan continues, "I'm becoming something on YouTube. I'm making a name for myself! And if people find out about us or what had existed or what kind of still exists, they'll leave. They'll leave me!" Dan yells, shaking slightly. He looks ready to crumble.

I can't help it; instinctively, I put a hand on his shoulder, leading him to the couch.

"Dan, they won't leave. If they truly care for you like I do, then they won't leave. Ever."

Dan looks up at me, slouching, his face in his hands. "But that's the problem Phil. You're okay with all this-" he waves a hand between the nonexistent space between us- "But they're not."

He stands up, sighing. "I just wish I never met you. I wish we never became friends. I wish I didn't make the choice to love you. Because it would make this so much easier Phil. So much more."

He pushes himself to his feet, slightly staggering. I automatically stand to steady him.

"Thanks," he mutters before walking out the room.

My heart might as just have been stabbed with a knife.

He's just angry, I think to myself. This'll be over soon like our other fights.

But what if he's right? If I truly love him, then I'll understand his wishes and forget the feel of his lips against mine, his hands that were around me, his laughter.

His fans make him happy. And if he wants fame for happiness, then I'll do whatever it takes to give it to him.

Hi...I know its awful and Ashley is more better than me but, hey, at least I tried. And I know I ruined it, But like I said I tried!!


Hey people it's Ashley! Lizzie completely wrote the first draft and I just came back in and added my own touch by editing.

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