Chapter Sixteen: Cedar Wood

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Hours had passed before they finally convinced this Julian Prince to come to Briar and Faybelle's aid inside the storybook reality. Headmaster Grimm had said he'd be arriving shortly less than an hour ago, and yet he still wasn't here. I couldn't imagine why it was taking him so long to arrive. Most students and teachers of Ever After High travel by magic mirror, which only takes a mere number of seconds to reach the desired destination.

A few minutes later, a buzzing noise was heard overhead and a small plane appeared in view in the sunny bright blue sky. My peers and I squinted to see it.

It landed in the school field, and a few moments later, a rich Prince made his way to us followed by what I could only assume were his bodyguards.

A guard of his approached the headmaster and they discussed something in hushed, stern voices. The Prince wore a prep school uniform and his hair was shaved on both sides but long in the middle. He stared mostly disapprovingly at all of us, but appeared to recognized the royalty, specifically the Charmings.

I was typically an outgoing personality, but my friendliness was carved away by the disinviting scowl on his face. Not even Apple stepped up.

Raven did.

"Listen, buddy," she began, her eyes blazing with violet fire. "I know you don't like us, and frankly I don't care if you like me or not. All I care about right now is saving my friends. Will you help us?" Raven put out her hand for him to shake on it, but it began blazing with purple flames also, so she yanked it back and let it die out by her side.

The kid didn't budge. "I won't help the Evil Queen."

Raven grew even more agitated, and Dexter stepped forward to bring her back to the group so she could relax. Daring and Apple stepped up next. Apple trembled worriedly.

Daring cleared his throat. "Don't shoot the Royal messenger. We're all requesting your help. You help us get our friend back or you will bring great shame to your kingdom for ages to come," Daring boomed. I don't think I'd ever seen him this serious.

"And don't ever talk that way to any of my friends ever again," Apple snapped in a high-pitched angry voice.

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Future Snow White associates with the future Evil Queen? Sounds like you're the ones bringing shame to your kingdoms forever to come."

"Now you're just being a jerk," Daring stated, starting to lose his own cool.

"Prince Julian, Sir," a guard of his stepped in between the fired-up Daring, beginning-to-sob Apple and jerky Julian, "we have contacted your father. You are to do what they request of you."

He was blocking my view of the Prince now and I couldn't see his reaction. We were all listening as he read from the story, then slammed the book down hard. The familiar flash of light appeared and he was gone when the light disappeared.

I stood with Raven in the crowd of students still occupying the campfire area. Apple paced back and forth, grumbling on about how she couldn't believe some of these royals acted so privileged and ruined their overall reputation. I would never be royal but I felt an ache in my heart for Apple and the other royals. I too had believed the stereotypes before attending school with them, and never believed they'd be some of my best friends someday. If you told little-splinter me that, she wouldn't have believed a word you said.

The wait was agonizing.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I'm sick and lying in bed.... I'm thinking of watching a Disney movie but idk. Maybe there's one I haven't seen on Netflix yet that I can watch. Thanks for reading guys and I'm sorry this took so long to update. Please comment what you think!

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