Final Chapter and Sequel(?) Information and Goodbye to EAH:SS

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My friends,
It is finally time.

I have decided that, after months of consideration, rewriting, and speculation on the final chapter of this story, 19 will be the last, and it will be posted this Saturday, the 17th.

(This is also the same day that I will be bringing Happy Ever After Holidays back from the dead.... I said I was going to finish it like, last February and didn't, but I think I might actually this time. But back to Secret Storybooks...)

This is going to sound terrible, as I know Secret Storybooks is my most popular book (and potentially one of the most popular EAH books on Wattpad), but I am so relieved to finally have this book finished. I haven't really liked it, ever. I started it as a young and naive 14 year old, and honestly, I had no idea where I was going with it. My grandma gave me this orange journal on which the cover read "you determine your destiny". That inspired me to try my hand at EAH fan fiction, and I promptly began drafting Secret Storybooks from there. Whenever I then decided to bring that train wreck to Wattpad, I pretty much stopped using the journal, and I haven't written in it since. (Don't get me wrong, I love writing by hand, but I'm a fast texter and autocorrect is my friend- on my old phone it was, at least- so it is easier for me to write on my phone.) I transferred those ideas directly into Wattpad documents, which might be why the first bunch of chapters is shorter and more disconnected with the rest of the story. I didn't know where I was going with it until I got the idea for the bonfire, with the huge storybook that was dusty, and old, and hard to lift, and oh-so magical.

My sister deserves some credit for the idea, however, and so does the Thronecoming special (I think it was Thronecoming at least). It saw a bunch of our girls being thrown into stories that weren't theirs- that's part of the idea. The other half was from an improv-story-sesh with my sister, otherwise known as WE PLAYED WITH DOLLS SHAMELESSLY. And we still do, not as frequently, though I'm 16 and she's 10 now. I don't usually do anything with the ideas we come up for that, but two ideas I obtained in this method that really stuck out became Secret Storybooks and Fifth Destiny. Somehow we came across the idea that pretty directly inspired the later plot for Secret Storybooks. What if the characters were thrown into stories that weren't theirs? Would that change their view on the destiny conflict? Oh, you bet.

That's what this story was about. Telling EAH fans the truth. Is anyone really a royal? My theory is no, nobody is truly royal. That's the main idea here.

Now I do think I set this story up pretty well for a sequel, which is something I don't think I really did for Mess even though y'all really loved that story (me too).

I think if I told you I don't have sequel plans I'd be lying, because I've got lots of sequel ideas.

It's basically the opposite of Mess, where I never intended it to be a series. But there's a lot of ways I could go with this one.

The sequel will see lots of new OCs if/when it is conceptualized, whereas I know this book was only the tip of the iceberg (Julian Prince!!!!!). I love to write about OCs, and what I really want to be an outcome of this story is the introduction of integral parts of some of our favorite stories. Briar's prince, for example, and Ashlynn's. Of course, there's also stories EAH has never touched upon (Peter Pan!!!).

I also would LOVE to take this the OUAT route (this is what I originally had planned), but a sequel in which the main character wasn't even in its predecessor would really suck. I think I'll save it for a Fifth Destiny spinoff (assuming I ever get to the end of 5D).

If I do get to create a sequel, don't expect anything until at least the summer of 2017. I am swamped with Junior year and college prep. In the meantime, don't archive this story just yet. You'll want to know if I decide to update about a sequel. And again, the chances of this sequel are sure higher than Mess of a Fantasy's.

I love each and every one of you and I am so glad to have started my journey with you. I hope you will follow me deeper into the abyss as we discover more about who zoeyswiftie13 really is. (Hint: her real name's not Zoey!)

I hope this book made you feel things.

I will see you all December 17th for the final installment.

Thank you, and goodbye Secret Storybooks.

xo Zoey xo

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