Chapter Two: C.A. Cupid

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Aaah.... His eyes.... So blue, like the clear sky.... And so enchanting, like Apple White's Happily Ever After.... And gorgeous, like.... Like... Blondie.


"CUPID! WAKE UP ALREADY!" She shouted, the room immediately smelling like just-right porridge.

"What do you want already? I was dreaming about... Oh, never mind," I muttered.

"It's twelve noon already. You promised we would go to the library when the clock strikes eleven! We have so many tests on Monday! Let's go! Haven't you got enough beauty sleep?" Blondie complained.

I sighed, then got up. I still didn't stop thinking about him. Nope, not even when Blondie called Apple and they talked for the whole 20 minutes while I was getting fairest about how "amazingly charming" Daring is. Blech. As if Daring could even come close to... *sigh*, Dexter...

Guess who was in the Enchanted Library when we got there today? YES! DEXTER! He is just so dreamy, I could go on and on and... What was I saying?

"Hey, Cupid, hey, Blondie," he said, smiling and packing up his books.

"Hey! Aw, why are you leaving?" I giggled.

"Oh, I was only getting a little studying in before heading into the Village of Book End. I have a Tailo- um, a CD I want to buy." His MirrorPhone chimed, and he'd received a call. He politely excused himself and then answered. "Oh, hey, a Raven!"

Raven. Why Raven? She's got to be evil. Sure, she's pretty, but EVIL! And if people didn't think it was right for a Royal to date a Rebel, imagine Dexter Charming having a requited crush on Raven Queen! Well, I didn't know for sure that Raven likes Dex back but, who wouldn't? I just didn't get it. Raven has dark hair, dark makeup, and dark clothes. Her personality is okay but she's sort of selfish and a little weird.

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it. They've bonded over... Whatever they've bonded over, and I've got nothing.

"CUPID!" Blondie was snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, what? I must have lost hocus focus, sorry." Blondie sighed and began quizzing me on Royal Family History vocabulary terms.

Do you know how much I'd rather be with Dexter right now?

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