Introduction to the Madness [One]

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• Yea, there's cussing in here =w=
• Yea, I'm not the most grammatically correct person but I try my hardest. (⁎•̛̣̣꒶̯•̛̣̣⁎)
• No, you cannot copy anything in here. Work on your own stuff, copying won't stimulate your imagination.

Enjoy~! (v^_^)v


The evening air was bone-chilling. Nipping sensations of the winter draft seeped into my limbs as I trudged through deserted alley ways and past the blinking of dim street lights. The moon was just peaking above the wintery clouds, leaving a beautiful, dim blue light that barely illuminated the frozen city. Ice crackled underneath our feet as we scurried across the street, but at the time, nothing but the cold seemed to matter.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Finals are tomorrow..." I tugged on Caspian's sleeves and whimpered as a breeze wisped by.

"Stop being such a nerd and loosen up, Tess." Caspian exasperated. He continued forward; I silently followed.

I angrily huffed when a thick wall of wind blustered our way and lifted my chocolate hair from the protection of my thick beige duffle coat, frantically licking at my numb face. Caspian protectively stepped in front of me and waited for the wind to cease.

"You alive back there?" Caspian turned his head and grinned at me as I managed to shoot him a menacing glare.

"Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm dead. Why are we even out here?" I rubbed my hands together hoping for warmth to come, but when it didn't I submissively gave up.

"We're going to Jakes party," Caspian quietly murmured and kept moving forward.

"You know I explicitly said that I was not going, Caspian." I stopped in the middle of the powdered street.

"Caspian. Explain." I begrudgingly spread my fingers out of the warmth of the heavy sleeves and tucked flyaway hair behind my ears and back into the folds of my coat.

Turning around to quickly analyze my guarded posture, he slowly procured an answer. "I want you to meet a nice guy?" It inevitably sounded as if he was questioning himself and shook off his lame excuse.

Nice guy my foot- I mentally scoffed.
No nice guys go to Jakes' parties.

Of course, to be invited to Jake Reiker's party was to a certain level, impressive; he was one of the most popular people in school. But to me, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Despite Caspian's harem of girls to bring, he had to drag me along. Safe to say, he thinks he's doing me a favor, trying to introduce me to his friends, but it's painfully obvious that the people he hangs around with aren't exactly the sharpest pencils in the drawer.


Soon, the outline of Jake's house settled itself in the field of my limited vision. Strobe lights poured from the windows and toilet paper messily wrapped around the splattered walls and trees that towered above the house. I found myself gaping at my classmates running amuck, beers in hand, shirts stained with nacho cheese, tripping over each other, and all laughing like complete morons.

Idiots. I dissapointingly shook my head.

As we approached the house, I sensed Caspian's pervert side clawing to be released from its cage of so-called self-control as I observed his eyes fall onto the group of girls that were flirtatiously batting their eyelashes directly at him.

"Hey Caspian! Come here for a sec!" The ringleader of their group yelled across the lawn. I thought I recognized her as Amanda Dielet, a popular newbie in school.

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