Scintilla [Eight]

164 9 2

Previously on S.D.A.>>>

"Go to sleep." Caspians voice commanded as the voice inside my head tried shushing my inner thoughts of panic. He managed to say two words before I blacked out,

Jason Alistar.

• I renamed the demon person into *Lucius* because Karona felt to feminine and sounded liek granola =w=

• Thanks for reading guys!!!! I haven't said that properly yet, I think *memory loss issues*


A whipping wind blew against my face as my eyes fluttered open. "Finally awake, young one?" A deep voice spoke from above me.

"Mmm...what?" I looked up.

A starry night sky greeted me and I gasped at how close I was to them.

But that wasn't the part that frightened me. A silver haired, seemingly evil, red-eyed Caspian was holding me in a princess cradle above what seemed like a million feet, midair.

"C-Caspian?" I gripped his arms, digging my nails into his cold skin.

"Close in terms of both names and its' age. My name however, is Lucius."

The bright moonlight was illuminating Caspian- or Lucius's features while his hair softly wisped along in the wind, and for some reason it hypnotized me. I started to reach upward to stroke his hair when he looked down and gave me a ferocious glare, sending chills down my spine.

Okay, he's a no-touchy guy. Noted.

The tallest skyscrapers didn't even touch fifty meters within our perimeter and people looked like little ants, bustling around their community ignoring the others in their haste to get their priorities settled.

The entire city was covered in a luminescent blanket of lights and sparkled like tiny fireflies on a summer night. I awed at the sight; I've only seen this type of city scene in pictures.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my stupor as a plane engine rumbled closer and closer. It rumbled toward us and panic set in.

"Caspian! Let me down!" I screamed the plane passed us by. He scowled and ignored that I called him Caspian. Panic set in. I was several thousand feet in the air.

"Idiotic mortal. Let down? That is certain death." I clutched onto Caspian's t-shirt in terror.

"Cas- Lucius! Why am I here? Where are we going?" I hollered at him, trying to yell over the noise of the plane. He looked down and frowned at my touch.

"Somewhere where you won't be able to tell anyone I have returned."

I shivered at his words. "Returned?" I hesitated to ask. "Where were you?" He glowered and considered my question.

"To simply put it, Hell's worst nightmare."

Despite my situation, I erupted into a miniature fit of laughter. Hell? The place where lost, corrupted souls wandered when they died, the place where it's full of fire or whatever? And wasn't a demon in charge of that place and he tortured you for all eternity? I must be dreaming.

Hell didn't exist.

I'm not putting a negative damper on religion, my mum brought me to a Christian church on the weeks when my dad didn't have liability for me but I could say I never understand the whole, 'You will burn the fiery depths of Hell for your sins,' bit.

Plus, if there was a Heaven, I probably wouldn't be going there anytime soon and that wasn't a very comforting thought to me.

"That's it. I must be dreaming." I made my final decision as we soared through a bank of white, fluffy clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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