That moment when you realize that everything you had, everything you lived, everything you dreamed of, it's gone.
I can't stop thinking about it, the word kept bouncing in my head, amnesia. Amnesia. But this time, it's different. Different because you're not who you were five seconds ago, five milliseconds, five seconds... You're not the same person. Never.
They know too much. They know too much.
I have to run. I have to run to live.
Run. Run! Come on, keep running, you can do this.
My arms pumping down my sides, my brain in hyper-unity. I was running for my life. There was not much pain at all.
The bushes scratching and scratching my arms and legs, making them bleed? Fine.
My bare feet scraping against rocks, twigs, and roots? I could try.
But the fact that I was being pursued by my attacker, John Silica and his gang of Trackers? That was definitely not right.They had guns and they were fast. But I could overtake them, I could overtake them all. But if I could get enough room to...
Oh, no. Oh, no.
There was a clearing. But bad news, it leads directly to a cliff. A 500-foot drop. I had to keep running and escape. I couldn't stop, the results were fatal.
I hear howls, howls loud and low. They had the big dogs. Any of us could overtake the Trackers, but no one could overtake a big dog.
I decide to take a chance, jump off the cliff.
I run to the edge and prepare to dive.
They were catching up.
Approaching now.
So close I could smell it.
I close my eyes.
I jump.
I don't know much, but I do know this, I'm not going to die today.
Science Fiction16 year old Olivia Peyton (Liv) Carls is not your ordinary human. Well, she isn't even human. She has the ability to shift into anything. It's in her DNA, literally. This science fiction story takes place in the year 2056. Liv faces trouble against...