Chapter 6

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*Blue's P.O.V.*

Who is this chick? She has no idea who she is. She's super nice, and cool. And she reminds me of my mother. We look almost exactly alike, but I've never met her.

I open my eyes and look into the darkness of the woods. It's nearly dawn, but the girl is still sleeping. Why isn't she up looking at the sunrise? It's a beautiful morning, but it's around 5 a.m.

I'm super awake and alert, but I can't see anything.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps, and the crumpling of leaves. Instantly I bolt upright, jumping to my feet and nearly falling off my branch. I look around, opening my eyes wide and dilating my pupils. I see a sudden, quick movement. I jump off of my branch, landing on the ground in a crouch.

"Don't move." A velvety, low voice whispers in my ear.

I roll my eyes, elbowing my best friend, Xavier, in the ribs, "What are you doing here?" I hiss.

"Making sure you're alive, we haven't talked in a month. You need to come back to work for us."

"No." I quickly hiss and scramble back up to my place on the branch I was sleeping on.

"Why not?" He growls.

"Because, I found someone here and I'm not abandoning her. There's just... Something about her I can't place. It's like, we've met before. I just don't know when. She's a shifter. Just like us. She was born in a lab, just like us. She looks just like me!" I hiss the last sentence, "Now go away before she wakes up and sees you!" He glares at me, then disappears.

     I sigh, this was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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