Chapter 3

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*Daniel's P.O.V.*

     I woke up on a Wednesday morning, my bright blue eyes snapping open. I put my arm over my eyes blocking the sunlight.

     I woke up again. I roll over and check my alarm clock. 1:15 p.m. Oh great. I slept most of the day away.  I rolled over again, this time completely falling off my bed and onto the floor. Hitting my head on the dresser on the way down.

     "Ouch." I sit up and rub my head. I stand up and comb my auburn hair back with my fingers, I feel the scar on the side of my head, going from the top of my head and bending back behind my ear. I walk over to my desk and take my phone off the charger. I turn it on and check for new messages.

     None. Huh. Usually Olivia texts me throughout the day. That's odd. I decide to put it aside. Maybe her phone died.

     I trip over my skateboard and hit my head on one of the light blue walls in my room, ouch. Then I stumble sleepily over to my oak dresser and take out a pair of old, ripped, black jeans and my black T-shirt. I put on my sweater and zip it up half way. I walked downstairs a bit sluggish, combing my hair, which is now tangled, back with my fingers again.

     It's a bit lonely in this house. The three story open house with a bunch of windows. It looks like an E put on it's side. The house hangs over a cliff with metal and wood poles going all the way down the 500 foot drop. So when you're standing on the clear, glass balcony outside, you feel like your floating.

     I go to the kitchen and look for food, I end up making myself a bowl of Munch-O's and eating it dry. I walk back upstairs to my bedroom and look at my phone again.

     Still no new messages. I'm surprised that Olivia still hasn't texted me. Pretty odd. Oh well, maybe I'll see her at school. I put my phone in my pocket then I walk out to the balcony and jump off, skydiving through the 500 foot drop, I pull my arms and legs in going for a dive. I close my eyes and picture a peregrine falcon, I open my eyes and spread my wings, flying above the ground just before I would hit the ground. I start flapping slow, long, powerful strokes with my brown and white wings and fly off towards Olivia's school.

     I land a couple blocks away from Olivia's school and shift back, walking into the parking lot. I go to the main office and see police officers and firemen and a caution tape. I begin to panic, but I manage to keep myself calm long enough to ask the secretary if Olivia's here.

     "She came in about an hour ago and began talking with Mr. Jiles and two other men, we haven't seen the men or her since. I'm sorry Daniel."

     Now I was really freaking out, I was clutching the baby blue counter tops for dear life hoping that she'd be okay.

    I thank the secretary and release the counter, it's dented. I turn my back to her and walk out the door, I begin running off the property and as soon as I'm out of sight I shift into a bald eagle and fly as fast as possible back home.

     Back at home, I shift back and land on the balcony, I call Olivia. No answer. I call again. No answer. I text her, no response. I call once more, no response. I pace around the room, freaking out, I think of all the places she'd be, but none of them were during school. I think of any other places, maybe she was at the library, maybe out for lunch and lost track of time, maybe she went to a friends, maybe...

     I don't even dare to think that she could of been kidnapped. No, not my sister. She's too strong and hardheaded. She would never allow herself to be kidnapped. Ever.

     I go outside to the glass balcony and look over, wondering where she could be. Suddenly I hear a odd beeping noise, I look behind me and see a weird looking ball-like thing. It's beeping speed increases as I realize it's a bomb. A gas bomb. I jump over the balcony and shift just as the bomb explodes.

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