Chapter Three.

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"Did you see him?"

"Isn't he gorgeous?"

"Oh my gosh, I might faint!"

I rolled my eyes at all the girls who were gossiping about the new kid. Honestly, he was just a person, not a Greek demi god. I got a glimpse of him while walking into the school building, and he honestly wasn't that fine. Girls here jump at any fresh meat.

Though she's my best friend, I am sad to admit that Kasey is one of those girls. When I got to my locker, I saw her staring in his direction, practically flooding the hallways with her drool.

"Geez, Kasey, you're probably making him uncomfortable. Stop smothering him with your intense gaze."

She immediately snapped her head up and glared at me. Wiping at her chin, she sighed. "You make me sick with your ability to resist. I just can't stop looking at him. Have you seen his muscles?"

"To be quite frank, I have not paid him that much attention."

"What?! Do you even know his name yet?"

I glared at her in annoyance. "Do you?"

 "Peter Davidson. He's from Minnesota!"

"Wow, poor guy. Winters there must be terrible."

Kasey grabbed my arm, calling all my attention. "Listen Molly, this could be your chance to experience love! I mean, how amazing would it be to strike up a romance with Peter Davidson, extremely hot new kid?"

"You know, you should probably respect him a little more than that. He's not a piece of meat. And why do I need to experience love? I'm not writing a love story, just because those publishers are begging for it."

"Ladies," said the new kid. He winked at us like he was James Dean, and I'm pretty sure Kasey melted.

"Don't make me gag," I muttered.

I guess he was really cute, but his cockiness was an immediate turn off. He thought he had swag, and maybe he did, but he was just a loser in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh. He acknowledged us, Molly! Hey, where are you going?"

She scurried to catch up with me, because I was already walking away. "Big whoop. He said the same thing to us that he said to all the other girls. He did nothing special, he just called us ladies. Which, was used in a sort of derogatory way."

Kasey just walked beside me silent, probably a little irritated with me. I really did wish I could be the kind of best friend that would gush about guys with her, but its just not me. Its not really my personality to do so.

We parted ways and I entered into the Trig room. To my deepest displeasure, the stupid new kid flashed a toothy grin at me. I immediately noticed he had chocolate eyes, and cute dark curls.

"Checking me out, huh?" he said cockily.

I snorted. "Please. I'm just adding a face to the name that's in the mouths of almost everyone here. Welcome. Hope you enjoy your years here," I said in closing.

He jumped out of his seat and followed me to mine. I glared at him with agitation. As I sat down, he sat his butt on my desk like he belonged there.

"What's your name, doll face?"

"Its certainly not doll face, so don't call me that."

"Well, I need a name to the face that's caught my attention."

I tried my very hardest not to be flattered by his charms. "My name's Molly Higgins, and your butt is in the way of my work space."

Peter Davidson grinned at me, and though I didn't have the slightest attraction to him, he did have a very nice smile. "I guess I'll see you around, Holly Miggins."

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