The Party

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Taylor's party came along quickly; something that she was very happy for. She couldn't wait. She'd finally get to tell the people that are practically her family, and her real family about Ed and her. She felt so much pride in thinking that he was her boyfriend and couldn't wait to tell people. Her only slight worry was the tabloids, because as soon as she tells one person something she tells the whole world too. But she knew that that is what came with her extraordinary life so she had no complaints, and any way, she wanted the world to know, she was just worried about their perspection.

"Taylorrrrr!" Shouted Caitlin from behind the massive front door of the mansion Taylor had just bought in Rhode Island.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Taylor laughed,

Taylor opened the door to find one of her bestfriends and fiddle player standing on the door step with bags surrounding her full of both decorations and buffet food, two things that Taylor had made clear not to get.

"What's this then?" Taylor said sarcastically with a smirk on her face, 

"I don't care that you told me not to get anything for the party Taylor, I wanted to help out." Caitlin replied determinely,

"Okay, well thank you. Now lets get this stuff inside and set up!" She said excitedly,

Caitlin replied with a "Woooo!" as they walked their way through Taylors house to the kitchen.

An hour or so later, Taylor's guests had all arrived, including Ed, and the party had began. Taylor was originally going to tell everybody the news towards the end, but she realised that if she told them at the start then she could be with Ed properly and not act for the whole party. Her and Ed had both agreed on this and so started rounding up the guests and telling them to make their way to the living room. 

Luckily, Taylor's living room was huge and had lots of places for their guests to sit or perch. Taylor and Ed, hand in hand made their way to the front and saw many faces that all sort of looked like they were expecting this, or atleast had a clue about what was going on, which made it easier.

Ed squeezed Taylors hand to let her know that he's got her and it'll be okay and with that gesture she began her speech,

"Er, hey everybody, thanks for being here and I promise this won't take too long. So I'm sure that most of you have either had hunches or just knew," Taylor laughed, "so I'm just going to get straight to the point," She took a shaky breath and said, "Ed and I are together." and grinned at the realisation of it all and because of the fact she knew that Ed was doing the exact same thing beside her.

Before they knew it, a fury of bodies were coming towards them and fast, all coming together around Ed and Taylor congratulating them, giving them kisses and hugs. Taylor looked over at Ed and saw his eyes shining and realised that she'd never been this happy before, and she also realised that she'd never seen her friends so happy about one of her boyfriends. 

As the congratulations gradually ended, the music started again and Ed and Taylor were alone.

"Wow," Taylor said with a sigh,

"Taylor, I never thought that I'd make another family out of this tour, and I have no one to thank but you for that. So thank you." He said with a small smile,

Taylor thought that she could say "No problem.", but instead chose to kiss him, partly because that means so much more, but also because she wanted to feel his lips on hers again.

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