Chapter 3: The innocence of sky blue eyes.

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Hey my lovely readers! Sorry I have been MIA for the last month school is amost out and I had a exam today that I'm praying I passed!! As I reread my first two chapters I want to clear up any confusion over who is in what rodeo event..... Clay is a bulldogger and Alex (Sam's brother) is a bull rider. Sam Baylee and Shaylee are all barrel racers. As always please excuse any spelling mistakes!
~tennis girl

After looking everywhere I could think of I ride twards the truck, and hear laughing and ride twards the truck parked across from mine to see the last place I'd ever think to find my baby sister. I ride around a trailer close to mine to see grace smiling up at red while she giggles at something my silly five year old sister said. And at that moment reds head pops up to reveal the biggest, forest green eyes I've ever seen....


As I came around the corner of our trailer I come face to face with the most adorable little girl I've ever seen. With her blonde bouncy ringlets in a tight ponytail and sky blue eyes that showed so much innocence that it warmed your heart to look at her. While the trembling of her lip screamed for someone to scoop her up, hold her close and tell her that everything will be alright. "Hey there sweetheart what's your name?" I cooed, "Grace" she squeaked out. "Well Grace my name is Sam, now where are your parents?" I questioned. As I asked the trembling of her lip tripled as she cried out, "I don't know where my momma and daddy are!" "oh baby, don't cry I'll help you find them, don't you worry." I soothed. "Do you want to hear a funny story?" I asked trying to to calm her down, "ok" she squeaked. Then I started to tell her about when I was 3 being at the doctors office with my mom and the elivators closing on me and when my mom found me she started to scold me while I sat with a happy grin on my face. "How old are you Grace?" I dought she could be older than 6. "I'm 5!" She stated proudly. She then told be about the time her big brother got his first mustache and she pointed and yelled catapiler. I started to laugh when around the trailer came the guy Baylee and Shaylee where pointing to. "Bubba!" Grace squealed as she jumped up into his arms. "Oh Grace you had everyone worried sick! Don't ever scare us like that again sissy!" He scolded her while holding her close "ok bubba I promise!" She said crossing her heart. With that he looked over at me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen and said, "thank you for looking after my sister..." "Oh it was no problem she's way too cute to let wander alone, my names Samantha but call me Sam." I said shyly. "I'm Clay" he said shaking my hand. Just then Baylee came ridding up saying that it was almost time to compete. With that I said bye and when to win myself a buckle. All the while thinking of Grace and Clay.

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