Chapter 4: I want a sweet sister, not a stinky brother

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Please put down your pitchforks! I am alive and done with school for the time being. Hurray!! I know that you are probably thinking I will be the kind of writer that abandons the book after a hand full of chapters. I don't want to be that kind of writer, because I may get busy and a couple months may slip by until an update but know I do want to have this book done at some point to say I did it. I will try to update more often with longer chapters for all of my lovely readers who have put up with me so far. As always please Excuse the spelling mistakes and don't forget to read vote and comment
PS... This song reminds me of Samantha because she won't take crap from anyone.
~tennis girl


His killer smile was all I could think about on my way home. After Alex and I both won first place and watched all the events we made our way to the house. After we put the horses and tack up it was well past 2 in the morning. Sighing I made my way to my room and flopped on my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Saturday morning I did my usual daily routine and decided to go on a relaxing ride around the farm to check if the south fence was torn up by the neighbors bull. After ridding the fence with no broken posts or barbed wire I decided to go and grab some breakfast, just then mom rang the bell that the food was ready. I hurried and put Thunder away and ran to get at least one piece of bacon before Alex and dad scarf it all down. As I walk past I give momma a kiss "thanks momma, if you hadn't rang the bell there'd be no chance that I'd get a piece of bacon." I said gratefully. "That's why I rang it baby, now get your butt in there and eat." She replied with a smile.

Later that night after all the chores were done I lay in bed thinking for the hundredth time about Clay's smile and little Grace's laugh while questions about them drift through my mind as I fall asleep. As unfortunate as it was, when I woke up it was Sunday and I had three tests next week to study for, as well as a bunch of homework to do at the last possible second. After all my homework was done all I had to so was study so I decided to go into town to get lunch for everyone since they were working themselves to the bone. Hoping in my old ford I drove twenty minutes to town and pulled into the local sonic. After ordering and paying I saw dad wanted me to get some barbed wire since the neighbors bull tore up the fence sometime last night. As soon as I got to the hardware store I went straight to the barbed wire and grabbed two six foot roles and went to pay. As I walked to the cash register I saw the face of the boy that has been on my mind since he picked up his sister and cradled her in his arms, Clay. Looking at the computer he said "how are you today.." He trailed off as he looked up, recognition flashing through his eyes. "I'm good," I reply with a shy smile. He smiled back and said "it's Samantha, right?" "Yeah, but call me Sam, and your clay the bulldogger right?" I responded. "Yeah that's me" he admitted. As he was ringing it the barbed wire he asked "so what do uh need the barbed wire for?" "The fitzgerd's bull broke our south fence last night and we need more barbed wire to fix the fence" I explained. "That's not good, uh do y'all need some help catching the bull?" He hesitantly asked. "Naw we got him put up this morning all we need to do is fix the fence, thanks though."I replied wishing that we hadn't been able to wrangle that pain in the ass bull that tares more crap than we can fix. " oh ok, well, have a nice day" he said a little sadness lacing in his voice. "Bye clay" I said over my back with a wave. "SAM! wait!.....will you go on a date with me on Saturday?" He asked wile staring at his shoes with a blush on his face. "Sure I'd love that!" I answered excitedly. Giving him my number and address I walked out of the hardware store on cloud nine.


She said yes!! When I came to work today I had no idea that she would come walking in looking like a long legged goddess in those cut off shorts and tight tank top. When my shift was over I hoped in my old truck and made my way home where I was attacked by a mop of blonde hair. "Hey G! How was daycare?" I asked excitedly. "Cool beans! Look what I drew today!" She exclaimed as she shoved the paper in my face. I took it and saw a figure with crazy fire red hair holding hands with who I assume is Grace with her blonde hair in pigtails. "Who is that with the red hair next to you G?" I asked curiously. "Oh that's just Sam! I miss her she was nice to me when I got lost" "oh I'm glad you like her because I'm taking her on a date like momma and daddy do every Friday." I tell her praying she wound flip out that I want to date Sam. "Bubba you be nice to her because I want a sweet sister not just a stinky brother." She said with so much seriousness it made me smile. "Don't worry sissy I'll be nice to her!" She had no idea that I couldn't hurt her even if I tried.

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