This (Part 2)

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"Fine." I spoke. 'But only because I like this.' I said in my head.

"What?" Marcel asked in an astonished voice.

"I said fine..." I replied skeptically.

"No, after that."

" I didn't say anything after that, Marcel." Wait... Unless I- Oh, shit. I didn't just say that I liked it in my head, did I?

"No, you said 'but only because I like this.'" He quoted me. Crap crap crap! This isn't good!

"Oh, yeah. I forgot," I nervously laughed, hoping to make him forget about the situation.

"So what is it exactly that you like?" He asked. Here goes nothing. I mustered up every ounce of lady courage that I had in my body and turned around to face him.

"This." I whispered and looked up to meet his eyes. Before he could say anything else, I crashed my lips onto his.


*Ali's POV*

I'm kissing Marcel. Wait... I'm kissing Marcel. Oh my gosh. His lips were so soft and fireworks just shot off when our llips touched and every part of my body just felt light and perfect. This moment was perfect. This kiss is like no kiss I have ever had before. Ever. 

After Marcel got over the intial shock, I thought he was going to pull away, but he didn't. He kissed me back. Marcel brought his hands up and held my face. After a little while, the damned need for air cause us both to break apart. Our foreheads were still together and our noses brushed one anothers. We both slowly opened our eyes into each other's. His vibrant green eyes shone brightly into my light blue ones.

"I like this, too," He whispered. breaking the silence that had drifted between us. He moved his head a little closer just to peck my lips once more.

"Good," I smiled at him, causing him to smile as well. His adorable dimple was on display along with his perfect teeth.

"I have an idea," He said and propped himself up on one elbow so he was lookng down on me.

"Oh, and what might that be, Mr. Styles?" I asked. My attempt to sound proper was ruined by the goofy smile that permanently danced on my lips. They still tingled from the kiss and I yearned to reach up and touch them, but I felt like that would be a very bizzare thing to do.

"I'm going to pick you up at your house at 6:30 tomorrow night," He proposed, more like ordered.

"Oh, are you know?" He nodded his head. "And what are we going to do after that?"

"The rest is a suprise, m'lady," Marcel hissed the tip of my nose and laid back down. "Now get some sleep, love."

"Goodnight, Marcel," I said and he pulled me into his chest.

"Goodnight, Ali," He quietly replied into my hair before he kissed the top of my head.

'I love you," I thought to myself as I drifted off into one of the best sleeps of my life, engulfed in Marcel's arms and heavenly scent.

"Oh, my gosh. This has to be the most adorable thing I've seen all year!" I heard a woman let out a hushed squeal. Marcel let out an aggravated groan and his grip on my waist tightened a bit, so I was curled a bit more into his chest. Don't mind that at all. Everything that happened last night came rushing back into my mind and a small smile found it's way to my lips.

"Five more minutes, mom," Marcel complained in the sexiest and huskiest morning voice ever heard ever. Like, damn.

"Alright, but breakfast is downstairs and you don't want it to get cold!" Anne cheerfully replied and rushed back down stairs. Neither of us talked for a few moments, we just laid their in eachother's warmth and company. Marcel nuzzled his head into the nook of my neck and rested it there.

"Goodmorning, beautiful," He spoke, once again in his beautiful deep voice. His warm breath warmed my neck and caused cchills to run up my spine, his voice being a contributing factor as well.

"Morning, Handsome," I replied a bit cheekily and rolled over to face him. I tilted my head up to kiss his cheek, but he moved his head last minute and met my lips. We both smiled into the light kiss and when we broke, I took a moment to admire him. He looked beyond beautiful in the morning. His hair was b it disheveled in a cute way and his eyes were a bit droopy. He looked as adorable as always. I can't even imagine what I look like, but I'll guess: Hell.

"Let's go get some breakfast, shall we, love?" he said began sitting up.

"We shall," I laughed and got up as well. "I'm just going to go to the loo first."

"Alright, meet you down there," He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and headed towards the bathroom. After I took care of my bathroom busisiness, I took the brave step and looked into the mirror. I didn't look too bad, I guess. My bun held up pretty well, but hair was still sticking out everywhere. I quickly redid the bun and began walking down stairs. In the stairway, pictures of Marcel, Anne, Gemma(his sister), and even me hung on the walls. There was pictures of Marcel and me as little kids, pre teens, and teenagers. My favorite picture is of Harry and me on the swings laughing together when we were in 2nd grade. I was looking at it when Anne's voice startled me.

"Yeah, I like that one, too," she said and joined me in front of the picture. I looked over at her and smiled, which she sweetly returned. Anne is basically a second mom to me.

"It's adorable," I smmiled a bit brighter and let out a light laugh.

"Harry told me about your date tonight," she said and I turned to face her. The name Harry threw me off for a second before I remebered that Marcel changed his name to Harry. I wonder if me calling him Marcel annoys him...

"Yeah," I timidly said as a blush heated my cheeks.

"You guys are so cute. I have been waiting for this day since the first time you visited this house, not to be creepy or anything. You guys are perfect for each other, and, don't tell Harry that I told you, but he has liked you for a long time. It's quite cute, actually," Anne continued with a radiant smile on her face.

"Really?" I inquired, the smile on my face growing a bit.

Anne nodded, "Now let's go eat breakfast, sweet heart. I'm sure you're starving." I followed her down the stairs and walked over to where Marcel was sitting. He looked up from his plate and gave me the brightest smile that just made my heart flutter. I don't even care that this boy gives me cheesy thoughts. I sat down where my plate was next to Marcel and returned the smile.

"Thank you so much for breakfast, Anne," I said to Anne who was seated on the opposite side of the table.

"Not a problem, sweetie. I love having you here," she sweetly replied.

"Well, I love being here," I smiled at her then at Marcel who was smiling at the both of us.

After breakfast I had to head home to clean since my mom is gone. My mom is supposed to get home tomorrow night, and she would be absolutely enraged if I didn't do my chores.

"See you at 6:30, right?" Marcel checked when we reached my car.

"Right." I said and opened my car door. I ws about to get in since we already said goodbye inside when I was soun around and a pair of lips were placed on mine.

"You didn't think I was going to let you leave without that, did you?" He smirked and rested his forehead on mine. I laughed and pecked his cheek.

"Bye, Marcel," I siad and got into my car. I drove off to my house with a happy heart, permanent smile, and excited butterflies throwing a party in my stomach.


Two updates in bascially a few hours. Are you guys happy? I would've written the date chapter in this one, too, but I wasnt sure how long that would take and I wanted to make up for the past chapters being so slow. I tried to slove the cliff hanger for you gusy before you mudered me so here you go! Thank you so much for reading! I love you guys! (: Hope you enjoyed this chaoter even though it was kinda short.

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