It Hurts

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*Ali's POV*

"I know you're in there, Ali! Just let her out, Marcel and there won't be any trouble, Styles!" His voice alone makes my blood boil. A sense of fear is creeping in the corner of mind at thought of what might happen, but I silence it. He sounds a little more sober now. Maybe getting beat up knocked some sense into him... I honestly have no idea what to do. My body tenses as the banging continues and increases in volume. Marcel must have noticed me flinch because he stepped in front of me protectfully. Marcel then began to walk towards the door.

"Marcel!" I whisper shouted. "What the heck are you doing?" I walked closer to him and he turned around to face me.

"Stay back there, Ali," he stated sternly walking me back to the kitchen. "I'm going to make him leave."

"How?" I inquired, less angry as his voice softened back to the Marcel I've always known.

"I guess we'll find out," he smirked and walked towards the door. When Marcel slowly creaked open the door, Alex threw it right open. Alex began to erratically throw punches, missing Marcel continously. Marcel looked a bit humored at his innacurracy and caught both of Alex's fists in midair. Marcel held the fists tightly and glowerd at Alex.

Alex looked like a mess. His wavy hair looked as if he ran his hand through it a thousand times and his eyes were red, as was his face.

"Let go off my hands, Marcel," Alex practically screamed.

"Not until you calm down and agree to settle this like humane people."

"Unlikely, Styles," Alex said and fought against Marcel's grip. Marcel had really big hands. Alright.

"Well, then I guess we are going to stand here all night," Marcel blantly stated, tightening his grip on Alex's wrists now.

After standing like that for aminute or so, Alex gave up and muttered a fine.

"What was that?" Marcel asked, towering over Alex in heighth. Alex looks so much more built than Marcel, but I guess it is just their body types because Marcel is significantly stronger than Alex.

"I said fine. I won't fight you, Styles."

"Good," Marcel said and released his grip from Alex. Alex rubbed his wrists and I saw red marks lining them. hat must hurt. I honestly have no idea what I should do while they "talk". Marcel told me to stay back here, so I will.

"Where is Ali?" Alex asked, looking around for me.

"None of your buisiness."

"But I came here for her!" Alex angrily exclaimed, raising his voice again.

"Yeah, and I came here to sleep, so I guess neither of us are really getting what we want," Marcel sassily replied. I stifled a laugh, careful not to give away my whereabouts.

"You are no good for Ali, Marcel."

"I prefer Harry, and why not? How are you any better?" Marcel- I mean Harry asks. i am wondering that myself. Harry is basically the perfect boyfriend. He isn't a bad peson, that I know of, and I think I would know considering we have been best friends the majorit of our lives.

"Well, for starters, I'm not a low-life nerd; but my main point is that I don't go around beating up anyone and everyone who looks at me the wrong way. Like you," Alex bluntly stated, spite dripping from his every word. What? Harry wouldn't, at least not the Harry I know. Or the Marcel I knew. I hear Harry let out a deep growl at this statement, but Alex doesn't seem affecteed.

"At least I'm not a drunk excuse for a man," Harry shoots back. Alex looks at his phone and lets out a meancing laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Well, it seems she doesn't want either of us."

What? "What?" Marcel spoke my thoughts.

"Well, considering my friend just sent me a picture of Ali kissing a guy tonight at her house around 10, I'm going to assume it's not because she likes us. I'm also going to assume it's not you or me since he has a buzz cut going on and has a bit more muscle than both of us combined."

"That's impossible! I dropped Ali off at her house at-" Harry stopped short.

"At what time, Styles?"

"At nine," Harry whispered under his breath.

"And what was our dear Ali wearing tonight?" You could literally hear the smirk in his voice.

"My dear Ali," Harry started off, emphasizing the 'my' part, "was wearing a light pink dress with some black stuff on it and a black beanie with combat boots."

"Oh, really now? That is so ironic! Considering that is exactly what Ali is wearing in this picture." What is going on? I didn't kiss anyone tonight. I only wore that outift tonigh- oh. Oh, no. I wore that at a party I had at my house when Marcel was out of town during summer. That night I kissed Liam Payne from my science class. This can't be happening.

I looked over at Harry and he was very obvioulsy trying to contain his anger. He forcefully took Alex's phone ad observed the picture. It must of been what he didn't want to see because he threw it at a wall and started pulling at his hair. How could he actually believe I would cheat on him? Right after I told him I loved him.

"I can't believe she cheated on me! I knew this was too good to be true," Harry said without energy. As though he gave up. I saw a tear glistne down his cheek. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears fell from my eyes as I ran to Harry. Once I was in the living room with them, I halted my running.

"Marcel," I chocked out, catching his attention. he looked up at me and clenched his fists together. Despair was clear in his features. Does he really have that little trust in me?

"Marce, I-I swear that this isn't true. I didn't kiss anyon-" he cut me off and stood up, quickly walking over to me and intimidating me with his heighth.

"Save it, Ali. I don't want to hear any of your excuses!" Marcel excalimed, his tears halting.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two kids," Alex smirked and walked out the door quickly. I could care less. I need to get through to Marcel.

"No, Marcel-"

"Harry! My name is Harry! Not Marcel! I'm not Marcel anymore! Just like you apparently aren't even the same Ali that left this summer," He excalimed in an outburst of pure betrayal and anger. I reached out for him as he stalked to the door. Harry ripped open the door and motioned for me to go out of it. I shamefully made my way to the door, trying to tell him that this was all wrong again, but he just silenced me. "Have a nice life, Ali," were his last words to me before he closed the door in my face.

I held in my emotions for the five minute drive from his house to mine. The second I closed the front door, I slid down to the floor in tears and let everything out. How could he just assume things without hearing me out? He has absolutely no trust in me. H-he just left me out in the cold with thoughts that Alex put inside that curly haired head of his. Those beautiful brown curls I'll never be able to run my hand through again when I just started being able to. All because he won't listen to me. Seriosuly, though. He trusts Alex, but not me? He'll listen to Alex but not me? I don't need to see the picture that Alex showed him because I already know what it is.

Last year, Marcel- or, umm, Harry, yeah, Harry- went to Ireland for a week with his mom and sister. During this time, Alex and my mom convinced me to throw an end of school party. I didn't want to have it without Harry, but they insisted. Despite my lack of popularity, most of my graduating class showed up; including Liam Payne, the boy in the picture I kissed. People had told me that he liked me, but was too shy to tell me himself. He was hot, sweet, smart, and my age; but he wasn't Harry, or Marcel at this time. Towards the end of the party, both of us went outside and talked. Neither of us were big partiers, so it was good to get a way for a second. We talked for a while,one thing led to another and we were kissing me. It was a good kiss, don't get me wrong; but, once again, he wasn't Marcel. We both agreed to stay friends that night and that was the last time I saw him because he had to move to the states to go to a music school. So, it isn't like that picture Harry saw tonight wasn't legit, but it wasn't tonight. Alex is a liar and Harry is being ridiculous. More tears fell from my eyes at the thought of so many years of my life being thrown away because of a lie. It's like an end of an era, man. I don't know how or if I will ever get through to Harry. Knowing that we aren't together- friends or in a relationship- hurts. It physically hurts.

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