Anger Issues

490 19 1

*Ali's POV*

Once I arrived at Marcel's house, I ran up to the door and knocked.

"I told you to get the hell out, Alex!" Marcel angrily exclaimed. What did Alex do to him? My heart beat quickened. At least he's okay enough to yell.

"It's Ali, open the door," I said loud enough for him to hear.


"No, it's just Alex using Ali's voice," I said sarcastically. "Yes, it's Ali. Open the damn door, it's dark out here and there's a spider above your door." Marcel quickly opened the door and enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay, Ali," Marcel said and buried his head in my hair.

"Me? I'm glad you're okay, but I wasn't kidding about the spider so can I come in."

"Oh! Yes! I'm sorry! I should've let you in first and-"

"It's fine, Marcel," I laughed and he closed the door behind me.

"Not that I'm not totally stoked that you're here, but why?"

"Alex texted me." I showed him the text and a frown overtook his face.

"He sent it to me about two hours

after he came over and -"

"Came over? Are you okay? Why? What happened?" Marcel freaked out and his expression was a mix between anger and worry. He took my face in his hand and examined my face. This gave me a good chance to look at his face. His lip was busted and his there was a bruise on his cheek. Besides that he looked fine, but fine didn't ease my worry.

"Oh my goodness, Marcel! Are you okay? Did Alex do this?" I exclaimed and ran my thumb gently over his injuries.

"It's nothing. I got in a fight with Alex because he came over an hour or so ago. I asked you first. What the hell happened when he went over to your house? Did he touch you? Hurt you?"

I wonder how Marcel was going to react....

*Marcel's POV*

She looked down for a minute and chewed a but on her bottom lip. I would usually go on in my head about how adorable that was, but I'm too worried.


"Don't kill him, alright? So he admitted his feelings in a brutal and intoxicated way. Then he... He kissed me against my will and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't so I bit down on his lip and I'm pretty sure I drew blood. After that he said you didn't deserve me and he had other girls to fuck," she said without barely taking a breath. Anger boiled up inside of me and threatened to spill over. Alex kissed Ali. Alex touched Ali. Alex and Ali. My Ali. Mine. Not his. Not that she's something to own, but she's mine and I'm hers. That's just how it is.

"He did what?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"He kissed me. I- I-" she stuttered and I knew she probably thought I was mad at her. I don't think she's really honestly seen me mad before. I cut her off to save her.

"I'm not mad at you. I know you don't like him and didn't like it. I'm just furious with him.

"I've never seen you mad before..." Ali whispered and looked up to meet my eyes again.

"I have anger issues, Ali," I confessed. I never told her about my anger problems. I took anger management sometimes and I boxed for to control it. I could've kicked all of the people who made fun of me's asses, but I was scared of scaring Ali. When she left this summer, I started working out more and I thought I'd change. Not only for me, but for Ali. Then I kinda lost control one night and beat up one of the kids who terrorized me. After that people challenged me in fights and I won. Why am I thinking this instead of saying it?

"Like just right now or always?" She inquired.


"Why did you never tell me?" She sounded a little hurt. Great.

"I didn't want to scare you, I guess" I reached for her hand, but she crossed her arms instead.

"Didn't want to scare me? I've known you for the majority of my life and you never told me."

"I had it under control, so I didn't think it was important."

"Yeah, sure seems like you have it under control. You know what? I don't care, tell me what happened." So I told her all about the fight and she seemed to take it pretty well. I think she's over the whole anger issues thing.

"So, let me get this straight. You kicked Alex, Mr. Football Player's ass?" She inquired, seeming slightly amused. I don't blame her. Alex is pretty built and I'm more lean and, well, geeky. She didn't know I had any kind of muscle until this fall and she doesn't know that I box and workout all the time. So, I would be surprised, too. She also doesn't know that I got some experience with fighting this summer when I finally decided to not let people walk all over me anymore. Maybe I'll save that for another day.

"Yes, ma'm," I replied, concealing my prideful smirk. I'm a guy and I take satisfaction in these kinds of things. Ali held up her hand and gave me a high five. When her hand made contact with mine, I quickly intertwined our fingers and tugged her closer to me. I kissed the top of her head. "So, are you still mad about me not telling you?"

"A little, but I'll get over it. Anymore secrets our hiding?" She playfully nudged me and I laughed. I guess now would be the time to tell her about my fighting and what not.

"Actually, I -" A loud knock on the door cut me off and caused Ali to jump.

"I know you're in there Ali! Let her out Marcel and there won't be any trouble, Styles!" Alex's voice yelled, he sounded a but more sober this time. I could feel Ali's body tense next to mine and anger coursed through my veins again. Seriously? Is him showing up really necessary? I was just about to tell Ali, but no. Hell, he will probably do it for me.

Authors note

Ooh cliffhanger! You love me, right? (; haha sorry its not the longest chapter. I'm super busy and sick. You probably don't know what this is, but I might have hypoglycemia and I have to get 3 hour blood work to find out. Today I'm shooting my album cover so wish me luck! Like my Facebook page for my music Juliana Hale and follow me on Instagram juliana_hale and then on twitter @juliana7137 Ilysm <3


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