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*Harry's POV*

"I had an incredible time tonight," Ali said as we reached her front door.

"I did, too. Best first date ever," I cooed and held both of her hands. I brought them up to my lips and kissed them. She stepped closer to me and pecked my lips.

"Now the next dates have a standard to live up to," she joked. The words 'next dates' made my heart leap. She wants more dates like I do. It feels like a dream. The most amazing girl I've ever met wants more dates with me. My long time crush and love feels the same. I just hope none of this ruins our friendship... I hope I don't screw it up.

"I'll make sure they fulfill the standards."

"As long as you're there, they will," she replied cheekily, but her eyes still held a certain sincerity and honesty that made me feel great. As long as she's with me, everyday will be great. Some days will be not as great as others, but still great nonetheless.

"Well I'll make sure I show up everytime," I joked back.

"You better, Styles. If not, I'm coming after you."

"I'm counting on that," I winked and held her close to my chest. I kissed the top of her head and rested my chin on her head. She is just the perfect height for me. It's like she was made just for me in every way. I just hope she never discovers that she could do so much better than me.

*Ali's POV*

So now I'm laying in a big hoodie and shorts on my couch with a stupid ass grin on my face.

"Always have, always will."

Those words played in my mind over and over. Marcel loves me.

My door bell rang and pulled me out of my love struck thoughts. Who the hell is at my house at 11 o'clock at night? If it's Marcel, I don't care I I love him I will murder him. Alright, no I won't but I'll try to seem intimidating. I put opened the front door and now I'm officially discombobulated. What the hell. Why is he here right now. The smell of alcohol filled my nose and sickened me slightly. He was definitely inebriated.

"Alex?" I gaped and stepped back. Before I could question further, his lips were roughly fired onto mine. I tried to push him off, but he only pulled me closer. I struggled against his hold, but nothing worked. I did the one thing I could do in this situation: I bit his lip. Not the cute little lip bite, but like get your dirty man douche lips off of me lip bite. He stumbled back and wiped his lip.

"What the hell, Ali?! You bit my lip!" He exclaimed, looking surprised for god knows why.

"No shit, Alex! What the hell were you doing?!" I replied, completely infuriated.

"Kissing you."

"Oh, really? I didn't get that part," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Sarcastic as ever. Don't tell me that you don't love me, too," he said and stepped closer. He reached out for me, but I stepped out of his reach.

"Fine. I won't say anything."

"Don't be that way. I love you, Ali. More than Marcel. More than anyone."

"Bullshit. Marcel wouldn't show up at my house intoxicated and kiss me against my own will!"

"I'm intoxicated because of you and Marcel! He's a nerd and he doesn't deserve you. You could do better. Like me. We belong together. I can't go even a few minutes without thinking about your beautiful face and melodic laugh. You're everything to me."

"Tell that to the hickey on your neck, Alex," I spat back. Not the sweetest reply to his monologue, but I honestly don't care.

"She didn't mean anything! It was just a couple of girls at a party. I was drunk!"

"Oh, only a couple? And that would change if I ever gave you a chance?" I scoffed. "And, by the way, Marcel is amazing. He more than deserves me. He's more than a nerd. He's my nerd. He's mine and I'm his, so take your opinion and your alcohol and get the hell out of my house." I opened the door a little wider and motioned to it.

"Please, Ali. You're making a mistake! He's changed! He beats people up now."

"I don't care, Alex."

"Whatever, Ali. I have other girls to fuck," he slurred and stumbled out of my house.

"Use a condom," I stated as I closed the front door and locked it.

*Marcel's POV*

The bouncy ball bounced back off the ceiling and into my hands. I've been doing this for the past hour with a goofy smile on my face. I feel like the cliche love sick teenager. This huge banging sounds erupted on my front door that is right outside of my bedroom.

"Styles, open up!" A drunk voice slurred.bit sounded a lot like Alex.... Weird. I looked at the clock and it was midnight. What the actual hell?

"What are you doing here Alex?" I asked, completely annoyed.

"You stole her from me," he slurred.

"Ali? I didn't steal her from you. She was never yours. Just go home, you're drunk," I said in a calm voice, attempting to ease his anger.

"Don't tell me what to do, nerd." He said and stepped closer. Nerd. How original.

"Alex, I need you to leave. Now."

"No. Not until you let me have Ali." The way he spoke of her like an object infuriated me.

"She's not yours to have." My voice raised a bit and I used my height advantage to tower over him.

"Screw you!" He exclaimed and pushed me back. Don't kill him, Harry. Don't do it.

"Whatcha gonna do, pretty boy? Are you gonna just stand there like a wimp?" He screamed/slurred and pushed me again. "Just stand by as I steal the only girl who will ever love you. I'll fuc-" I didn't give him time to finish as I slammed my fist into his jaw. He tried to punch me, but I dodged it and tackled him to the ground. We fought vigorously and he only landed a few punches. My anger wouldn't allow me to stop. The thought of Ali with him fueled the adrenaline rushing through my veins. Eventually Alex stopped fighting back and I got up and off of him. I spit the blood out of my mouth and heard him groan from the ground.

"Now get the hell out of my house," I spat and used my foot to push his body the rest of the way out of the door.

Thank The Lord my mom is at a friends house for a concert. She can't know about my anger problems or my fighting.

*Ali's POV*

I was just about to go to sleep when my phone went off.


I almost vomited at his name and my lips burned.

You should check on your stupid boyfriend babe(;

My heart dropped, as did my phone. I picked it back up and rushed to the door. I grabbed my car keys off of the shelf near the door and drove to Marcel's house.

You've Changed(A Marcel/Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now