The Story Of My Life ( A Jacksgap Story )

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Chapter One - Jacks Party.

It was a miserable day in south west London, and Lewis and I were playing original sonic on our busted nintendo 64. It had been raining like this for about two weeks, and i was sick of it. You couldn't  do anything because of it. I mean yes you could go shopping, go to the gym or go and get coffee, but you couldnt do anything because you had to stop every two seconds to open an umbrella. It was so irritating, oh the joys of living in England. Lewis and I had been friends forever and a day. We met in Kindergarden ( Infants ) and somehow we stayed best friends. If you met us, you would think we hate each other, with all the inside jokes. But we were best friends, but then everything changed. I'm not going to spoil the end, you'll just have to wait til the end. Anyway back to the story, we continued playing sonic til about 5 in the afternoon. Then...BOOM! The game, went bust and cut out our power. 

"Well....shit" I laugh

"Hang on" Lewis says and leaves the room. Even with the windows wide open, the room was flooded with darkness. I walk over to the window and stare up at the darkening sky. It was a mix between grey, orange and indigo. It was beautiful, from what i could see. With living in London, light pollution was a real problem. But there was a small time where you could watch the night sky cover its light blue with deep indigo. Then the lights came back on, and Lewis appeared back in the room. 

"Tea?" I offered

"Please" He smiled. I went into the clean kitchen, and filled up the kettle. Lewis sat on breakfast bar stool on the otherside of the counter. 

" I was like, I'm sorry but  I don't know who you think you are, but here you cannot say stuff like that!" He finished his story while still holding his tea. 

"Aaaaaand this was all in the comment section of a youtube video, of a dog on a skate board?" I giggle, unable to take his story seriously. 

"Well yeah, I mean come on that is one talented dog, and he is shitting on him. I mean yes his owner did it, but it craked me up. There are some people who just have to ruin everything" he remarks.

I burst out laughing. The story was ridiculous and yet he was taking it so seriously. I saw him crack a smile and begin laughing with me. He covered his face, with his hands and let his blonde hair fall over his hands. Lewis was one of those lads that all the girls wanted. He had a sweeping blonde hair cut and light blue eyes. He had pearly white teeth and a stunning smile. I got a bit jealous whenever i see pictures of us, because he always looked better than me. 

We calm down eventually. 

"Lewis, you make me laugh" i laugh

"Its my job" he smiles and pretends to lean back on the stool and almost fell off. Well I guess it was sort of his job. He ran a youtube channel 'ThickTvBlogs' were he rants and does skits at a camera. I occasionally make an appearance, but I never thought to make a channel. Its not that I didn't want to, it was becuase i was so busy with work. I'm a lawyer, so my job takes up quite a lot of my time. At the moment though, i had taken a 4 week holiday. I was sick off the office, and chose to take a break for a bit. 

"Well, I'm going to get ready for Jacks party."  I announce. Jack was another youtuber, a good friend of Lewis, and my boyfriend. We met a year ago at summer in the city, when lewis was invited and i went with him. We began dating 6 months ago, and i had never been happier.

"The party is in two hours, why are you getting ready now?" Lewis asked.

Really, does he not know me at all?

"I'm going to make this short, because i need to get ready...I'm a girl. Get it now?" I tell him.

"Understood." he said while giving me tiny eyes and puckered his lips up to make him look like an idiot. I laugh and retreat back into my room. I jump in the shower, 30 minutes later i dry off, and begin to tackle my hair. I brushed out the knots and began to curl and straighten it. 

*Knock* *Knock*

"Have you got my hair straighteners again?" I hear Lewis call from the other side of the door. I look down at the straighteners in my hand.

"Nooooo" I laugh. He walks in like he owns the place and takes them back. 

"I'm going to chain these to my room!" He calls back from his room. 

"You know thats not going to stop me!" I call back and i hear a faint laugh. I put on my music, which Lewis hates. I can hear him calling 'Turn that crap off!' But I just turn it up. I apply my makeup and slip into my dress. Its cream with a pleated skirt, and a floral design. The top sort of hangs loose. I love this dress. I step into my heels. I look great .I know its only a party at Jacks house, but i made it look casual. I walk through to living room to see Lewis with straightened hair and a different shirt.

"Typical, no effort" I laugh to myself

"Ready" He asks

"Yeah, but first....Do I look okay?"

"You look great" He smiles. He looks at me a bit funny. There is something up, hes been acting like this for a while. But I couldnt put my finger on it. I break the gaze and rush him out the door, we walk to Jacks.


Authors Note:

Hello, This is my first FanFic. I do have a whole story planned. Leave a comment if you want me to continue. I showed it to my friend and she loved it. So let me know if you want me to finish it :)

Thank you for reading the first chaper :)

~Georgia xxx

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