Dangerous customers

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I've finished work early today. And not the: it's super not busy today, I'm going home! Kind of go home early. Here's what happened. So I went to work this morning, as usual. But right before my lunch break, this group of guys run in. Two of them are carrying another person. They come to the desk and are frantically asking for help. The one that was unconscious had a bloody nose and multiple bruises all over. I rang Doctor Thew, she had her lunch break an hour ago. She took them in but asked me to follow since she might need me to help her. Once in her office the two men carrying the unconscious one laid him on the table. The doctor examined him, but when she got close, he put her in a headlock. He took out a gun that was in his pocket and held it at her head. He then told me to lead him back to the lobby. I didn't want to be killed, so I did as I was told. When we were there I saw all the other men pointing guns at everyone else. The "unconscious" guy threw Doctor Liyanna to the ground next to Tom, the janitor. He then took me by the collar and threw me to the centre on the ground. Two of the men pointed guns at me. The one who had thrown me there took my head in his hands and asked me this. "What do you think of the government?" PAUSE! I know what you're thinking, "what do you think of the government" That's what he asked?! Yes, that is what he asked me. At that moment I knew who...well who the group of people were. They were the Hades Hounds. A group of people who believe that the government should change. They say that we shouldn't have jobs or money. They say that we just do that cause we're used to it, cause it's the way we did it on earth. So anyways, back the story. After he asked that I just stayed silent. But staying silent got me a punch to the stomach. It made me want to throw up, but I held back. He asked me again."What do you think of the government?" I stayed silent again. That got me a punch to the stomach again. That time I got the wind knocked out of me. He was persistent, asking me again. But this time I did speak. "You know what I think? I think that they are right! They are right for giving us jobs and paying us for it. I know we don't need money, we don't need photographers or dancers or singers. But instead of creating a whole new system that everyone would have to rearrange for, they stuck with the old one. Why? Because it works!" I felt so good saying that. It clearly made him mad. He got up, turned around theme came back to face me. He spoke in a low tone, but just loud enough for everyone to hear.
"It's people like you that enrage me. It shows that no one will listen to reason because the government has convinced you that they are right!" Then he pulled back his first and rammed it into my face. My nose started to bleed and I couldn't feel it. While I was writhing in pain on the ground I heard." Hands up! I said hands up! All of you!" The police, thank the gods. My sight was blurry from the shock of the punch. The police picked me up and laid me down on a table. I can't really remember the rest. The next thing I remember was waking up to see a nurse. She asked me if I there was anyone that I could contact to bring me home since I didn't have a car. I could only say the word Yes in a croaky voice. Then the nurse left to go help another person. I waited about ten minutes before calling Newt. He answered almost immediately. I asked him to get there as fast as possible. And he did so. When I saw him a ran towards him, crashing into his strong arms. I burst into tears. He didn't say a word, he just held me tight and then took me to his car. I fell asleep more than once in the car. His apartment was closer to the hospital, so he brought me there. He carried me up the stairs and then laid me down on his bed. He fed me soup and gave me lots of water. He took good care of me. I really fell asleep at 6:00. Until I woke up at 10:00 pm. That's how I know all this, While I was up Newt told me what happened. I immediately wanted to write down so that's what I did. He asked me if I wanted to watch the rest of the Star Wars movies and I said yes. Right now he's in the kitchen making popcorn. After we finish the movies I'm going to bed, he said he would sleep on the couch so I could be as comfortable as possible. He's so sweet.

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