Chapter 3

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"You're late" said Emma's math teacher. "I'm so sorry. The bus didn't show up and I had to run 10 blocks to get to school". "I don't want to here any excuses you're late. That's going on your school record". Emma is furious! It would have been better if she missed school than get in trouble in front of the whole class. She didn't raise her hand to answer any questions for the rest of class. Emma was the best at math in her class. The bell finally rang after 5 minutes. For Emma it felt like 5 hours. She was so embarrassed.
Her next class was art at least Olivia and Brian were in art class with her. Emma told Olivia and Brian why she has 1 late on her record. "Hello class, don't judge me on how I look just by how I teach. Oh and my name is Miss Wacko". Emma whispered to Brian " her last name really speaks to her". Miss Wacko's hair is really crazy and she wears to much makeup. After art class its lunch and the squad always meets in the hangout.

"Hey guys at math class I got in trouble in front of the whole class! My bus didn't show up so I have to run to school. It was the worst"! Then the squad talked about how their morning went. Obviously Emma's was the worst. Everyone else's was pretty normal.
"We should try to set up the table today the bathroom is pretty boring"
" Yea Emma we should we'lol follow you. Lead the way!"
So Emma lead the way to the cafeteria. Emma spotted a table and was walking very fast to it, so no one could take it then suddenly.........

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