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Tobias P.O.V.

"Today we will be presenting our remakes of Shakespeare." says Mrs.Wu, I look over to Tris and give her a look of per horror, we never did out project it's worth half our grade.

"First up, Four and Tris."

"Have you read Romeo and Juliet?" I ask

"Yes, have you?"

"Do I look like a person who reads Shakespeare?" I ask with puzzlement.

"Just wing it and we'll be fine." We make our way to the stage and Tris starts to speak in a weird foreign language.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore thou Romeo?" She looks at me and urges me to speak,

"Juliet I am right here on the other side of the wall, you can hear me and see me are you mentally stupid?"

"When the sun hits this rose, will you be waiting for me?"

"No, i'll probably be at home eating or playing video games." she smacks her head and looks away. Was that line not in Romeo and Juliet?

"Oh Romeo, we won't have video games for another 13,000 years." Uh Oh, I will probably get an F.

"I have no words for you presentation." States Mrs.Wu

"I loved it, how Tris was Juliet and Four was Romeo but put in futuristic times, A+." Tris looks over at me with pure shock on her face, but is soon covered with a beautiful grin.

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