Chapter 2

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I don’t have to wait long until the butler comes in. He is very tall with wide shoulders and light brown, slicked back hair and a square face. Large, bushy eyebrows stand above dark grey eyes that look judgingly upon me.

“Greetings, you must be Miss Hemmings,” he says, “I’m sorry about Lord Harry’s behavior, he is a…free spirited boy and is always milling about where he shouldn’t.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.” I assure him.

“So where are you from?” he asks as he takes a seat across from me.

“I was born and raised in London from a line of maids.”

“Do you have any letters of recommendation?”  

“No, sir”

“Do you have any experience?”  

“Well, I used to-”

“Wait, Madeleine Hemmings? Yes, I remember you! You were the parlor maid who dropped the tea a couple years ago weren’t you?”

I sit there soaked in humiliation. It happened so long ago and I look so different, I didn’t think anyone would remember. “Yes Sir, I realize how that may change your opinion of me, but I assure you, that mistake will never happen again or any other mistake of the sort.” I say even though I know it’s a weak excuse.

“On the contrary, I think you may be just the type of person we are looking for. You see, the Styles family has come into…say some slight financial troubles. We need more hands around the house, but there isn’t money to spend time training new maids or for hiring trained maids” he explains. This could be the start of a new life for me, I would live in a real house and have daily meals, a privilege I always took for granted before the incident. I can accept lower pay, any pay would be a blessing in my state. “You would take up parlor maid duties as well as a kitchen maid-if you’d like. I can offer you £12 per year.”

Two jobs would be a handful, but £12 is a greater amount than I had seen in years, but not nearly as much as I expected. If this is to be my pay, I will be making as much as a well-paid laborer. However, I need the money and this offer outshines my other jobs that I have had to take up. A promotion will come when I prove myself. “That is acceptable.” I respond.

“Good, you can start in two weeks to give you time to settle any affairs.”

“Actually, I recently left my old job. I can start as soon as you need me.” I hope I don’t doing too desperate, but I don’t have any other presentable dresses and just the thought of another night on the streets chills me to the bone.

“Then let’s go introduce you to the staff,” he says rising from the couch. “And you may call me Mr. Mason. Also, if you wouldn’t mind I’ll be introducing you has Madeleine Munroe. The Styles’ don’t need any town gossip to trouble their lives.” I nod in acceptance. The name Munroe is nice and it pairs well with my first name. It can mark a fresh start and a new beginning for me.

Mr. Mason leads me back to the downstairs kitchen where the staff are taking their lunch break. As soon as he enters the room, they all rise from the table at attention.

“This is Madeleine Munroe.” he introduces me. “She will be joining our staff as parlor maid and kitchen maid. Ms. Bartley could you show her around?” he looks over at a small, middle aged woman with dark, red hair piled up into a tight bun. “Ms. Bartley is the housekeeper here.”

“Of course, right this way Miss Munroe.” Ms. Bartley says. “I’ll introduce you to everyone at dinner. Right this way.”

We walk out of the kitchen and back down the small hallway. There are several doors that lead into a small office, a sitting room, and a bathroom.

“This is the bell system. You obviously know how it works from your old job.” She explains as we ascend the stairs. The bell system has always fascinated me. Almost every room in the upstairs has a rope that, when pulled, rings a bell on the bell system downstairs. When a bell is heard, a maid will hurry to the room and attend any needs. I’ve always wanted a closer look at the system of ropes behind the walls. “Off to your right is the dining room and to your left, the front entryway and main parlor. I’ll show you more of the upstairs later.”

 We walk back down the stairs, out the servant’s entrance and set off through the gardens. Now that I have a closer look, more signs of deteriorating could be seen. Many of the trees and bushes are overgrown with weeds winding their way up the trunks and threading their way through the branches. Dead leaves cover the paths making crunching noises under my boots. Only one area seemed to be maintained behind some shrubs. I only see a corner of the hidden area, but an array of colorful flowers seem to fill the space, despite the winter snow. Ms. Bartley moves on before I can ask her about the fantastic garden, but I plan to find it again.

“The gardener died a couple weeks ago and we have yet to replace him if you are wondering about the mess. Through these gates are the stables. Several farmers own property on the land and they bring over produce daily. The cook, Ms. Carter collects it at the back door at 6:30 am sharp and you will be there to help her.” The stables are fairly small with a well sized cottage next to them, in which I assumed the stable master lived. “The cottage used to belong to the family for Lady Cora’s (the dowager countess) family to live in since she loved the horses so much. She now lives in the estate due to her old age and the stable master lives in, and keeps up the cottage. He doesn’t come to the house much so I thought I’d introduce you.”

I’m trying to process all of the information I’m being given but my eyes are too busy observing all of my new surroundings that are to be my new home. Ms. Bartley pounds at the door, yelling about the time.

“Hold on Moll!” I hear, muffled by the door. A few moments later the heavy, wooden door slams open to reveal a ruffled blond boy with strikingly blue eyes. When he sees me, he quickly straightens his clothes and runs a hand through his bed-ridden hair. “Sorry the horses were in a fit last night, I barely got a wink of sleep.” He has a thick Irish accent that is very attractive.

“Never mind that, I’m here to introduce you to the new kitchen and parlor maid, Madeleine. She will be starting immediately, so you’ll be seeing her around. We have much to do so I’ll see you later, goodbye.” Ms. Bartley says before she turns around and starts off back to the garden.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Madeleine,” he says, bowing which makes me smile. This boy is quite the joker. “I’m sorry you didn’t catch me in my best, horseboy’s habit I guess. Don’t get many visitors out here.”

“No worries, it’s good to meet you too. I must be off though, I’ll have to run to catch up with Ms. Bartley.” I say, wishing I could spend more time with the funny Irish boy.

“Old Moll is a tight one at first, but she’s a great woman once you get to know her. She’s like a mum to me. I’m Niall by the way, come pay me a visit now and then, yes?” Niall asks. Unlike Lord Harry, his straight forward attitude seems more inviting and friendly than demeaning.

“It would be my pleasure, nice meeting you.” I smile before turning and running off down the path towards Ms. Bartley.

The day has just begun, but I’m already worn out. My seemingly dead end life has taken a major turn for the better, and I’ve already had two very different boys make me blush, though I’m still deciding whether that is a good thing or not.

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