Chapter 7

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“There’s nothing on the roof, Harry.” I say as he ushers me up the stairs.

“That is what they want you to think. Please trust me here, Maddy.” He says.

“Maddy? That’s new…”

“Pardon, I was just giving it a try.”

“No, I don’t mind, it is only different.”

“Well then, Maddy. Welcome to the roof.” Harry pushes open a wooden door that groans as the swollen wood rejects being disturbed.

Outside is surprisingly warm. After the winter storm, it seems the weather has given everyone a break. As I wander along the rooftop, I stop wondering why Harry brought me up here. The afternoon sun creates crystals on the snow covered hills. Birds fly overhead celebrating the end of the storm. Far off, I can just make out Niall who seems to arguing with a man, his arms waving manically around.

“This is absolutely gorgeous.” I say, stopping at the edge of the roof.

“I found this place with when I was little and hiding from afternoon lessons. It started off as just a fun way to scare my parents, but as I got older I used to sit up here for hours. Come over here.” He gestures for me to sit by him on the roof’s edge.

“No thank you, I’d prefer not to fall to my death.” I say backing up.

“It is perfectly safe, trust me.” He reaches a hand towards me.

Somehow my feet start moving ahead of my mind. I take his hand in mine and try to memorize every part of it.

I try to slowly sit down on the roofs ledge but my legs shake so badly I fear I will and fall.

“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you.” Harry says smiling at me. “Just don’t look down, look at me.”

Once I’m situated with my dress neatly tucked, Harry and I sit in silence, looking off past the fields. Our hands are still connected and neither of us move to release them.

“Tell me about yourself.” Harry asks.

“Well, I was born in May-” I begin.

“No, I want to know about you. What your favorite book is, what you fear, who your first crush was.” He says the last one with a wink.

“Okay, my favorite book is Emma by Jane Austin, my fear is rejection, and my first crush was Teddy Williams.” I state.

“That’s cheating, I was just giving examples.” Harry complains. “Why Emma?” He asks after a moment.

“Even though people call her a snob, Emma is a headstrong woman who carves her own path. I admire that about her. What about you?” I ask.

“Oh, I’ve never been a Jane Austin fan”

“You know I am asking you about the three questions.” I say nudging him.

 Harry pretends to kick his legs and clutches onto the roof for support. “I know that it was my idea to sit here, but try not to bring about our deaths sooner than necessary.” He jokes.

I laugh along, but then I make the mistake on looking down and realizing me feet are dangling five stories high. A sudden dizziness overcomes me and clutch onto Harry for support. “I thought you said it was safe!” I exclaim.

“It is, I swear! Are you alright? I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were afraid of heights.” Harry says panicking.

To be honest, I didn’t know as well. All of the houses I had ever worked in were small townhouses that didn’t have roof access. Harry swings his legs back onto the roofs and carries me over to the center of the roof. His arms are surprisingly strong and I let out a small sigh when he places me back on the ground.

“Here, let me distract you. I heard my parents are having some esteemed business persons over for dinner?” Harry asks.

“Yes, I really should be getting downstairs to help prepare.” I try to get up but as soon as I rise, my head clouds over and the dizziness returns.

“Stop moving and rest a bit. You look incredibly pale.” Harry leans in front of me, his eyes worryingly scanning my face. Our eyes lock and suddenly my head clears. His hand slowly lifts up and pushes a stray piece of hair from my face.

“Why did you cut your hair?” He asks softly. “It used to be so long and beautiful.”

“Lady Anne, sh-she said it had to be done.” I stumble.  His closeness both comforts and unnerves me.

“Why?” Harry presses. I can’t tell him, I would never be able to look him in the eye again. Harry sees my discomfort and backs away. “Never mind that. About this dinner party. The man who is coming has a daughter around your age. My mother has been talking about her for weeks now. I don’t have any interest in her, so I need you to help me get rid of her.”

Suddenly all caring has vanished from his tone and he is all business. “I’m sorry Harry, but I can’t just go against my Lady like that.” I try to explain.

“Please, I can’t take another dinner party.” Harry says pacing in front of me. “All of those petty girls who think love is about the amount of money in one’s pocket.”

“What if this girl is nice? She could be the one for all you know.” I try to persuade him, even though the idea of him with another girl makes me taste acid in my mouth.

“No, none of them will ever be right for me.” Harry stops and looks right at me. “I need a friend right now, I can give you anything, money, clothes, jewelry, name it and it’s yours.”

A bribe is not the way I want to become close with Harry. I need this job more than anything and going against Lady Anne will surely end my stay here. I slowly shake my head, hoping he understands.

Unfortunately he doesn’t. “Fine then, you are of no use to me.” Harry turns on his heel and walk across the roof and back through the door, shutting it behind him.

“Harry!” I shout rushing across the roof. The door is sealed from the outside and won’t budge as much as I hit it. “Harry come back! It’s not my fault I cannot help you, please let me back in!” I continue to pound on the door, but no answer comes.


Okay so every weekish turned into a month buuutt it wasn’t 5 so yay! This chapter is crap and I’m sorry it sucks. I have another short chapter with Harry that I will put out as soon as this gets 10 likes and 3 comments. I think that’s pretty easy. It will take away a bit of the cliffhanger-ness. YAY!

Please like, vote, and comment(:

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