Chapter 4 Team Q5 and Regional Tournament

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/On the road/:
16-year old Akako's POV:
We were all in Shin's van with Kamui and Aichi in the front... while I sat with Kai in the back... I was quietly looking out the window... I soon got bored and fell asleep....

16-year old Kai's POV:
I felt something on my shoulder... I looked to see that Akako had fallen asleep on me.... she was still just as cute from 4 years.. I'm glad she hasn't changed... the van came to a stop so assumed we were here. I nudged Akako signaling her to wake up....

16-year old Akako's POV:
I felt someone nudging me so I woke up... I rubbed my eyes... to see I had fallen asleep on Kai!!! I jumped slightly nervous and embarrassed.... I moved away from him.... "Hey look were here!" Kamui said...

/Inside the arena/:
16-year old Akako's POV:
We were inside the arena waiting for our turn to fight in the meantime... we chose who would fight first.
"Well I was thinking since Misaki isn't here yet you will take he place." Shin said to me... "But-" I glanced at Kai who had a bored look on his face... "Okay." I said "So Aichi will go first. Akako you'll go second. and if we need to Kai will go third. Are we all okay with that." Shin said Aichi and I said yes while Kai nodded... Kamui complained but he soon stopped after I glared at him.

[Time Skip]
As we were walking to the benches we soon sat down waiting... "Hey Akako, Kai, Aichi, Kamui!" Miwa said waving... I waved back to him smiling.. I sat back down next to Kai... I was nervous... but I knew Aichi was more nervous than me... Anyway... Aichi went to fight first.

{Fight Skip}
"You did great Aichi!" I said hugging him... soon letting go.. he had a faint blush on his face as I hugged him... it was so cute!! Aichi smiled at me... soon looking at Kai as if he was waiting for his say. He didn't say anything... Aichi soon sat beside me... he looked a little sad... "Hey... don't be down..." I said "I know.." Aichi said
It was soon my turn.... I looked at Aichi he gave me a thumbs up smiling.... I looked at Kai he still didn't say anything... what can I do to get his approval... I tried to stay calm and focus my mind on the cardfight.

{Fight Skip}
I... lost.... I sat down... Kai soon went up... I watched as he fought he was amazing... with Kagero.... I looked at my deck... I was pathetic with the Kagero deck in my hand... I need to get stronger... Kai soon came back... giving our team the win... our opponents said we did great.. we smiled at them... well Aichi, Kamui, and I did. "Hey Kai why don't you smile! You got complimented and nothing!" Morikawa said that's when I heard Miwa laugh... "Getting Kai to smile is the hardest challenge you'll face! Besides can you guys image Kai with a big smile!" Miwa said while everyone tried to imagine what Miwa said I quietly went outside to get some fresh air...

[Time Skip]
16-year old Kai's POV:
I noticed Akako wasn't around and I assumed Miwa did to... cause I saw he left his seat... I found Miwa in the building looking around. "Miwa what are you doing." I asked he looked at me and smiled.. "Oh hey! You haven't seen Akako around have you." he asked I wanted to say something but I realized I didn't want him to think I was worried for her... even though I was...
I put my hands in my pockets.. "Don't know. Don't care." I said coldly... "You always say you don't care yet you and I both know you like her." Miwa said to me.... I wasn't going to deny it he was right. I sighed heading outside... I looked outside to see Akako...

16-year old Akako's POV:
I looked at my deck... I need to get better... "Why are you out here." I looked to see Kai! I stood up dusting myself off... "I just needed some fresh air..." I said he looked at me... "Hey Kai..." I said "What." he said "Do you... consider me your equal...." I said "No. Your no where close to being my equal." Kai said coldly.... I looked at him with wide eyes... "But- why not-." I said "Your not strong enough... simply put... your weak." Kai said with an uncaring voice.... I felt my heart break.... I hung my head low not knowing what to say... Kai soon left...

/At Akako's room/:
16-year old Akako's POV:
I went to my room desk and spread my cards on it... I noticed to see a note fall out my deck case... I opened it... and began to read it...

Akako Cho:
I hear you want to be strong so a friend of yours may see you as an equal... well I can help you... come to PSY shop tomorrow... and you'll get the power you need.
~ Ren Suzugamori

Ren Suzugamori..? I think I've heard of him.... I guess I might as well go... since he says I can get stronger... I just hope he can help... I'll do anything for Kai to see me as his equal!!
And that's the 4th chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for the next on!

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