chapter 9

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Hunters pov

I wake up with a groan, i haven't slept well, Sophie kept showing up in both my thoughts and dreams. I feel helpless wishing i should do something to help her but i cant, i cant risk going back to juvie i cant leave my mom again.


"Mom im sorry i promise i didn't do anything please believe me" i plead over the jail phone

"Hunter they are saying you killed someone, you can be charged for first degree murder for heavens sake"

"I promise i didn't do it, Yes i was involved in the fight but i didn't kill him. The other guy did i was just defending myself. When can i see my lawyer?"

"I don't know what to believe, your lawyer will come and talk to you later today. I will talk to you soon i just need some time. I love you"

"I understand mom im sorry, i love you too" I slam the phone, fuck what the fuck happened why do they think i did it.

A bit later they took me from my cell to meet with my lawyer.

The middle aged man with a nice suit was sitting in an empty room, he stands up and introduces himself as mr Lockwood

"So for me to help you i need to know the whole story, i suggest that you tell me the truth otherwise i cant help you."

"We were a few guys at a party, when oliver came towards us looking angry with his friend close behind. He came up talking shit about a girl that he said i some how fucked without even knowing it. Anyways he kept going and i kept yelling at him telling him i didn't do shit but he wouldn't listen after awhile he just kept getting angrier and angrier.

He tried swinging at me but i moved just in time and came back with a punch. I saw that his friend went toward the other guys behind me. Me and oliver was in a full on fight on the ground when we heard a gunshot and all of us froze. Me and oliver got up and looked around.
I saw the guy oliver had with him laying on the ground bleeding, and i see one of the guys from the party holding a gun and all of the sudden he hands me the gun running. I just stood there until the police came"

"Do you know the guy you saw with the gun?"

"No we just had a lot of friends in common but i don't know his name"

"Well okay this is what we are going to do, im going to talk to the police and see if we can either get the charges dropped or get a deal"

i nod and walk back to my cell feeling empty.

--------------------End of flashback----------------------

Mom didn't talk to me for a week when i first got locked up, i think it was hard for her to see me in there and i also think something happened when she was with dad.
When she finally came to visit me she looked exhausted. Heavy bags under her eyes and red shot eyes. It full on broke me seeing her like that.

I ended up taking a plea deal of second-degree assault on Oliver which was bullshit, just because he had a broken jaw and i didn't.

They found the guy who actually pulled the trigger and he got 18 years in prison for manslaughter.

When i finally got out and went back home, the house was a mess. Dirty dishes everywhere it looked like mom hadn't cleaned since i got locked up. Mom was a mess for awhile, crying all night and i had to drag her out of bed so she could go to work.

I tried to be strong and be there for her, i cleaned the house went to anger management and after awhile mom slowly stopped crying and got better. I still hear her cry sometimes two years later but its better now. It still breaks me to think about. I tried talking to her about it but she keeps saying she just wants to forget about it. So i don't bring it up anymore and i don't talk or ask about dad either but i always wonder what he did to her.

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