I walked through the magnificent gates of my new high school, Walt Disney High. I stared around at my surroundings in awe. Who could've imagined such a wonderful place?? I looked at the note my mom had given me. It instructed me to go straight to Principal Pinocchio's office the minute I arrived at school.
I navigated my way through the labyrinths of the school. I saw a sign ahead that said: PRINCIPAL PINOCCHIO. I started running towards that sign, when:
I slammed into a girl with bright red hair. I grabbed my dropped books, and stood up to apologize. That's when I clearly saw the person I had bumped into.
"Ariel?!?" I said in disbelief. I could see from Ariel's face that she was dumbfounded too.
"F-flounder?" She stuttered. My face split into the dorkiest grin possible.
"Ariel! I'm so happy to see you again!" I gushed. I gave Ariel a big hug. That's when I noticed. Ariel was holding hands with a boy, who had plastic looking hair. Boy's and their hair gel.
"Oh uh," Ariel blushed, "Flounder, this is my boyfriend Woody." Woody gave me a fake smile.
"Ariel, who is this?" Woody whispered through gritted teeth. Ariel gave me an awkward look.
"Woody, this is my best friend from my old neighborhood," Ariel whispered," And um, my old boyfriend." Woody's eyes flashed at this. He turned to me, and flashed me a sickly sweet smile.
"Well, too bad you guys had a fight, and split up. Ariel and I have to be going now," Woody snapped, and started dragging Ariel away. Being the clueless person I am, I brightly chirped,
"Oh no, we didn't fight! Ariel just moved away, but we still stayed in touch!" I said. Wrong thing to say. Woody turned to Ariel with fire in his eyes, and said,
"You promised that you weren't in contact with any of your ex's!" he whispered fiercely. Ariel look crushed, defeated. I decided to step in to the rescue.
"Stop being so mean. Ariel IS allowed to stay in contact with her old friends!" I protested. Woody turned his sharp gaze on me.
"No one asked you Fishboy." he snarled. Fishboy?? I glanced down at my top, which had a picture of a tropical bright yellow and blue fish. [A/N: Get it? Flounder from the Little Mermaid was a bright yellow and blue tropical fish ;-)] Oh. I was about to shy away, as I always did. Then I realized, this was a new school. A new me. I stood up tall, and said right to Woody's face,
"Fishboy? Really? Hope you didn't burn that tiny brain of yours coming up with that," I sneered. I know, that was mean. But this jerk deserved it. Before I knew what was happening, Woody had punched me in the nose. I grabbed at it as blood gushed down my face. Ariel shrieked.
"Woody! How could you!" She shouted. People walking around us started to stare, and whisper. I saw a group of girls gasping, and pointing at my bleeding nose. Woody grabbed Ariel by the wrist.
"C'mon, we're leaving." he said, and dragged Ariel down the hall, and out of sight.
I was seething. I couldn't believe Ariel. She'd lied to me. I wanted to be the only one, and here she is, texting some old boyfriend from her old town like I didn't matter. After I'd dragged her away from that mess, I slammed her up against the wall and said,
"What's the matter with you?? You promised me! What am I, some piece of trash? I thought you loved me!!" Instead of falling down on her knees and asking forgiveness, she shoved me away, and slapped my face.
"Why are you such a JERK?!" she yelled. I put a hand on my face, feeling the sting. I didn't know Ariel was that strong. She stomped on my foot, and walked away. I winced in pain, and ignored the shocked glares from the kids around me. I was going to get back at Ariel. She didn't know who I was, or what I was capable of.
Author's Note: OMG!! Big drama end there! Keep reading to find out who exactly Woody is so capable of ;-). I would appreciate it if more people commented, so I can make the story better. If you don't read it anymore, it's because you think it could be better. Any ideas, just let me know. Stay posted for the next chapter ;-)

Disney High
FanfictionNot much to say... this is basically a story about Disney Movie people going to high school ;) Not trying to copy here, but @squishyfishies really inspired me to write this so thanks to her! Go read her stories, the are A-MAZ-ING