Chapter 6

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I watched her from the corner of the room. I twirled my pen around my fingers and grinned maliciously. I already knew what would hurt her most. I knew her blind spot. I knew exactly what to do. Suddenly, the bell rang. Being careful not to be seen, I packed up my books and followed her out of class. Thankfully we had all the same classes. There was no avoiding it.


I ran out of class screaming. I couldn't believe what had just happened. There was a beast, in our class, and for some reason, he acts like he knows me. What the heck? The only way I'd be associated with something as ugly as that was if there was NO ONE left on Earth. I rushed to my next class, ignoring the weird stares from my classmates. 

I skidded indoors, making sure I checked everywhere, just to make sure that, that, THING wasn't following me. Sighing in relief, I sat down at my desk. I opened my notebook and took out my favourite yellow pen from my pencil case. I stared at Miss Liddell, ready to start the lesson. I don't know about you, but English was my favourite subject.

Alll those books, and stories. It's a bookworm's dream. 

Anyway, back to the lesson. Miss Liddell stood in front of the class, and said in a bored voice,

"Hello class. Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a nice break. Today we are going to learn about Narrative Stories." 

I squealed with delight, causing the rest of the class the look at me strangly. I didn't care though. I loved Narrative Stories!

Miss Liddell glared at me. I shut up.

"Alright then. The first question is.... how many different perpsectives are there in writing?" she asked. My hand immediatly shot up. Miss Liddell rolled her eyes.

"Belle?" she said. I put my hand down.

"The answer is three. There is 1st perspective, which uses the words I, me and we. One example is, "I go to the store to buy my milk." There is also 2nd perspective, which uses the word you. One example is, "You open the door of the cafe and walk inside." And finally there is 3rd perspective, which uses the words, her, him, she, he, they. One example is, "She walked up to him, and slapped his face." I said.

I finally took a breath, and smiled at the teacher. Miss Liddell looked at me, mouth open.

"Moving on," she said, and went to write the next question on the board.


I sat in the front row of my English class. I smiled at my best friend Belle as she finished answering a question. I had to admit, she was pretty good at English. I've tried, but English just holds no interest for me. I quickly wrote down in my neat handwriting what Miss Liddell was scribbling on the white board. I glanced to my right. I saw my crush, Phillip sitting next to me. My heart fluttered.

I started daydreaming about Phillip asking me to the dance, and us ending the night with a romantic kiss.......

"Miss Rose!" a shrill voice interuppted my daydreams. With a start, I realised that I had been moving my lips in a kissing way. I glanced around me, and saw that my classmates were staring at me, and that Phillip had shifted his desk a bit farther away from me.

I swallowed and looked down. I was on the verge of tears. Never before had I ever been so embarressed. I heard coughing from the front of the room. I looked up to see my teacher staring at me.

"Maybe if you were paying attention," she snarled, "this wouldn't have happend." She turned around to write on the board. I held back my tears, and furiously started writing in my notebook. Around me I could hear my classmates whispering about me. As I was scribbling, a small piece of paper landed on my desk. I opened it and read;


I looked to where the note had come from. I saw Mallory smirking at me, and mouthing the word: FREAK.

I looked back at my work, with tears in my eyes, and realised I couldn't focus on my work anymore. I got out of my seat, and ran out of the classroom. I meant to run all the way home, but for some reason my legs carried me to the roof of the school. Once I got there, I sat down, and started crying. My life was so unfair. I had Mallory cruelly teasing me, Philip hated me, and on top of all that I was dumb. I would never be smart. Philip would never like me. I was a failure.

I looked around with raw red eyes, and noticed a hooded figure on the other side of the roof. I gasped, surprised that I wasn't the only one there. The person turned around.

I noticed they were holding a mirror in their hands. I stepped curiously over to them, when they ran at me with the broken pieces and drove it right through my stomach.


I ran out of class, giggling with my best friend Merida. I loved that all my classes were with her. Walking down the hall, I noticed a clump of girls huddled around someone in the hallway. Curious, I joined the crowd, and noticed a distressed Belle in the centre.

"I can't find Aurora!" she cried. 

"She ran out during English, and she hasn't come back." Belle broke down sobbing.

I squeezed myself into the middle, and hugged Belle. 

"It's ok," I reassured her, "I'll help. In fact, I won't stop helping until we find her." Belle looks at me gratefully.

"Thank you," she whispers. I smile at her, and lead her away from the crowd. Suddenly, I find myself on the ground. I stand up, and glare at the person who bumped into me, a girl in a hooded cloak.

"Watch where you're going, we're trying to find someone" I snap. The girl turns in my direction, and says in a prissy voice,

"If your looking for the stupid blonde, she's crying on the roof." Then the girl turns away and walks into the mass of students. I look at Belle, and say only two words:

"Let's go."


We push the hatch open on the roof, and clamber out. I squint my eyes in the glare of the sun, and search for Aurora. Then I hear Belle gasp. I glance over at her, and follow her gaze.

I wish I hadn't.

Lying in a pool of blood is Aurora, clutching a bloodied glass shard. Belle lets out a strangled cry, and runs over to her friends side, and starts sobbing. I stood still, shocked. I didn't know what to do.

"Call the ambulence," Belle screams at me. Waking up from my trance, I take out my iPhone, and dial 911.

"Hello? Yes, there's been an accident at Walt Disney High.... someone's stabbed themself.... mmhmm? You'll be here in 5 minutes? Oh thats great!" I say, and hang up the phone. I rip off a section of my skirt, and run over to Aurora. I dab the fabric on her wounds, acheving nothing.

The more I clean, the more she bleeds. Finally I wrab the now bloodied fabric around her wrist.

In the distance, I hear the ambulance coming closer and closer. 

"Let's get her downstairs," I say, and Belle nods. Together we lift Aurora up, and start carrying her down the stairs.

Unknown Hooded Girl

I watched as the students in the hallway parted for that Rapunzel girl and Belle carry the blonde down the hallway.

I reach inside my cloak, and take out a mirror. I look in it, and smile as a beautiful face shows up.

"Obviously," I murmer, and slip it back into my cloak. While everyone else follows the blonde and the brunette down the hall, I slip back upstairs to the roof. I glance at the pile of blood left by the idiot. I grab a vile from my pocket, and scoop the blood up. I put a stopper on it, and returned, unnoticed, back downstairs.

A/N: Yay! Best chapter ever! Over 1000 words so I'm happy

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