Chapter 5

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I ran after Ariel. Woody had completely vanished after being so mean to poor Ariel. I could understand how Ariel was feeling. My horrible stepmother and 2 stepsisters treated me terribly too.

I found Ariel crying in the girl's bathroom. I hurried over, and put my arm around her shoulders.

"You okay?" I asked gently. I took out a tissue and handed it to Ariel. She took it and blew her nose.

"I-I d-didn't think th-that Woody c-could b-be so sh-sh-shallow," she sobbed. I patted her shoulder. I knew what it feels like to have someone you love turn out to be someone you don't.....


I slipped into Science 5 minutes late. I tiptoed to my seat, and sat down. I sighed in relief. Oops. The teacher turned around, and saw me sitting there.

"Miss Arrendale," he boomed, "You are late!" 

"Yeah, by like 5 minutes," I stated, rolling my eyes. The rest of the class was gaping at me, mouths wide open. I glared at them, sending shivers down their spines, and forcing them to look away. I stared defiantly at my teacher. Even from the back row I could see that he was trembling.

With a quick motion of my fingers I froze his desk into a solid block of ice. I could swear everyone's eyes were looking fearfully at me. I looked at my teacher, and said,

"What was that about me being late again?" I challenged. The teacher swallowed.

"N-nothing, M-miss Arre-" I cut him off.

"And no more of this "Miss Arrendale" business. My name is Elsa, and that's what I intend to be called." I said, and stared at him again.

"Okay Mi- Elsa," he said. I grinned. That's what I thought, tough guy, I thought, and sat back in my chair.


I couldn't believe this was happening. Mrs Merryweather, the spells teacher, had turned me into a beast for talking during class. I looked down at my hands, which were now so covered in fur that I couldn't see the skin underneath.

"Now Adam," she said to me, "You will be a beast until the girl you love kisses you before midnight at the Spring Dance." I looked at her, shocked. One, I had never loved any girl before. And two, who in their right mind would want to kiss me when I look like this?

The whole class was staring at us, shocked, scared, and whispering among themselves. Mrs Merryweather turned to them.

"And just in case..." she winked, and waved her wand. The magic sparkles drifted over them, and dreamy expressions took over their faces. Suddenly, Belle screamed out,

"Look out Mrs Merryweather! There's a hideous monster in our classroom!" Everyone started screaming, and running around hysterically. I was shocked. Why didn't Belle recognize me? We had been friends since pre-school! But then suddenly, through the chaos, Mrs Merryweather whispered to me,

"No one will know who you are. Have fun Adam." Then she disappeared in a poof of sprinkles, leaving me dazed, shocked and confused.

Author's Note: Hey readers! Unfortunately I will be on camp for the next 7 days. And that means I cannot update this story, or any of my other ones. :( This is just so that you know why I won't be updating. Stay in school, and don't do drugs ;-)

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