Chapter 7

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Dory's P.O.V

Hi! I'm Dory!! I suffer from short term memory loss. I go to an awesome school and I have awesome friends... although they don't really exist. They're in my head. With them I explore the Great Barrier Reef, I go to California, anything I want to do is with them. The only problem with them is...

Hi! I'm Dory!! I suffer from short term memory loss. Oh... I've already said this, haven't I?

Anyway, so today I walked into school, happy as ever. I mean, who wouldn't be happy on a day like today?

Hi! I'm Dory!! I suffer from short term memory loss. I go to an awesome school and have awesome friends.... but I never expected them to come alive.

Belle's P.O.V

I sat next to Rapunzel, nervously biting my nails. It had been hours, and we still hadn't heard anything from the doctors about Aurora. She could be dead, unconscious, ANYTHING really. I kept nibbling my nails, until Rapunzel noticed, and told me to stop.

"Murdering your nails isn't going to help Aurora," she said calmly and went back to painting her nails a light fuschia. I was impressed by how relaxed and calm she was being in such a time of crisis. But then again, I was furious at her for not being more worried for Aurora's safety.

As if reading my mind, Rapunzel said,

"Don't think that I don't care about Aurora," I remembered that Rapunzel was actually distantly related to Aurora. I suddenly felt really bad that I'd been mad at her. Rapunzel must be secretly worried.

"Ahem," someone coughed behind us. I turned to look. Behind us was the doctor who had taken Aurora about 12 BILLION HOURS AGO.

"OMG Doctor is she okay??" I said. The doctor turned to look at me, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. I immediately dreaded the answer, knowing something bad was going to happen.

And I was right.

"I'm sorry girls, but Aurora has gone into a coma. I don't know how but we just checked in on her again and.." he began, but then Rapunzel cut him off.

"How can she get in a god damn coma?? She was conscious when we brought her in! Obviously, you haven't been doing everything correctly. You better do everything in your power to get her out, or you'll have to answer to me," she ranted, standing in front of the doctor with her hands on her hips. I was shocked. I'd never seen Rapunzel so mad before. The doctor looked shocked but immediately recovered.

"The problem is mam, we've tried everything possible, but nothing has woken her up. I'm afraid if she doesn't wake up in, ah," he checked his watch, "24 hours, we'll have to turn off the life support." I gasped.

"But that means... Aurora will.... die?" The doctor nodded. I felt tears brimming in my eyes and immediately looked away. Aurora and I had been friends for so long. Certainly, we wouldn't let this stop us! I brushed my tears from my eyes and saw the doctor looking at me with fake sympathy. I felt anger boiling inside of me. It was alright for him! He didn't have his best friend in a coma with 24 hours to live! I walked up to the doctor and summoned every ounce of angry I had in my body.

  "Listen here! You think you can come out here and tell us you've tried everything because I have a feeling you haven't! There must be something you can try that will wake her up!" The doctor looked taken aback. He regained his composure, and said,

"Well, there is one thing. But it's really risky, she might die in the process. But if it works, I would be famous for revolutionising the medical world forever!" the doctor said excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, stop singing your praises, and tell us what it is!" Rapunzel snapped.

"To wake up Aurora, you'll have to...."

Sorry for the short chapter :I. I promise it will be longer next time. I hope you guys liked Dory's chapter, I legit had no idea what to do with it. I wonder what Belle and Rapunzel will have to do to wake Aurora up!

Leave ideas in the comments because I'm running out of them!

If you want a picture you drew in this book, send me the picture in the messages thing, and maybe you'll be in this book! Only rule is that the picture must have something to do with any of the characters mentioned in this book so far! You could draw a portrait, maybe Belle and Rapunzel standing over Aurora, just to name a few :)

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