Chapter 3: Laura

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--Nicole's pov--

"I just don't get it, ya know? Why would he even WANT to talk to me? And then we get paired for singing? It just doesn't make sense to me" I go.

"No, I totally understand. But maybe he likes you..." Lizzy smiles.

"Haha yeah. As if."

It's Wednesday and I'm having my latest "complaining session" with Lizzy. Well, I guess you could say my best GIRL friend. Cause Niall and stuff... Oh Nevermind!

Lizzy, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and I actually have the first class of the morning together. Which is weird how all 6 of us have it together. but whatever. (History that is. The most boring class ever...) Im next to Lizzie. Niall behind me. Empty on the other side of me. Harry behind that one. Zayn behind Lizzy. Then Liam in front if me. Pretty good decision of the seating from our teacher, if i must say.

"I'm just saying, he might of realized how completely and amazingly beautiful you are. You DID say that he said you weren't as ugly as he thought." She keeps on going. I know she's trying to help, but we both know it's not true.

"I dunno, maybe your right. I hope so, maybe I'd get a date for prom." I do a little dance in my seat. "NO LONELY-EATING-ICECREAM-CRYING-NIGHT FOR ME!" I yell, a little to loudly that is. The whole room stops and looks at me. Oops.

"Did I hear icecream?!" Niall's head snaps toward me.

"Yeah, but none for you!" I laugh. He just pouts. Dork.

The bell rings signaling the start of class and I hop back properly into my seat. Another boring day! "Good morning class!" Miss Hope says. "Good morning." We all sing back. The only good thing bout this class is that Miss Hope is the sweetest teacher you could ever meet. She makes the boringness fun, I guess you could say.

"Today we have a new student joining us! Her name is Laura, and I hope you can all make her feel welcome!" She smiles and waves toward the door, "come on in Laura."

A girl probably my height walks thru the door. She has long, silky light brown hair and bright green eyes. She walks up to Miss Hope, turns to the class, and smiles sweetly.

"Wow" I hear someone whisper from behind me. I turn to see Harry with the biggest eyes and widest mouth I've ever seen. "She's... wow." Hmmmm. Seems like someone's got a crush on the new girl.

"Guys! Don't be rude! Let's all say hello to our new student!" We all give a big "hello," Harry being the loudest. Smooth dude. Smooth. But at least it makes her blush. Aww, she's cute. I can already tell we'll be buddies. "So I see there's an empty right next to Nicole, so you can sit there. Wave so she knows who you are Nikki." I give her a smile and a friendly wave. She smiles back and walks over to the chair next to me.

"Everyone pull out your textbooks and open to page 590!" Miss Hope announces. I pull out my book and turn to the page, I'm probably not going to be listening though. I turn to the new-be. "Hi, I'm Nicole. A lot if people call me Nikki though."

"Hey, I'm Laura. But you probably already figured that out." She lets out a small laugh. She's adorable!

I look down at her bag, it's got little kitties all over it. "Oh! I love your bag! It's adorable!" She looks down and smiles, "thanks! I'm pretty much in love with the little things, so why not show the world, ya know? I like yours too, love all the colorful music notes." She's just like me! I love her already!

"Thanks! I love singing and music, so yeah. Might as well show the world that too!" We both laugh.

Miss Hope clears her throat. "I see that some of you want to get to know Laura." She looks straight at me. Oops. "Soo how bout the rest of the class, you just have free time, and then we can catch up tomorrow?" We all cheer. See? Now that's why I love Miss Hope.

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