Chapter 4: Spring Break

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--Nicole's pov--

Friday morning is the best feeling ever right? I walk into Music all cheery cause I just can't wait for today to be over. SPRING BREAK BABY. Me, Lizzy, and Laura are shopping for bikinis after school for the beach tomorrow too. IT'S A TRIPLE WIN SITUATION. Spring break + shopping + beach = AWESOMENESS.

I sit down in my chair and groan remembering the project we're working on. I've got music 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And since today is Friday, and me and Louis have had 2 days to finally find a song, you'd think we had a song picked out right? Wrong. Whenever I'd try to even ask him what kind of music he liked, he'd go straight to something else. For some apparent reason, he's suddenly become really interested in my life. I've been waiting 2 years for that! Couldn't you have found out about me sooner?

Louis strolls in and starts looking around for me. His eyes light up once he sees me and he walks over. "Mornin, music buddy," he winks at me as he takes his seat. And I can't help but blush.

"GOOD MORNING STUDENTS." Mr. Clark booms. "Since today is the last day before Spring Break and your songs are due once we get back, I will expect you to be practicing over break. Can you promise me you'll practice?" We all mumble yes. "Good! Then carry on!"

I turn to Louis who's just staring at me. "What?"

He snaps out of his daze, "oh nothin." He smiles.He's so cute...

I shake my head to get to thinking straight, "Anyways. I know we haven't found our song yet, so why don't we finally decide on it?" I say, hoping he'll get to talking.

"Ok. What kind of music do you like then?" He says actually interested this time. SCORE.

"Well, I like Taylor Swift, The Script, Paramore, Train, I kinda skip around with music..." I look up at his face and he just looks lost, "well what kind do you like?"

"Ed Sheeran, The Fray, The Killers, Ben Howard. And a couple of other stuff I guess." He shrugs.

"This is not going well." I laugh nervously.

He looks down at his hands. Awkward silence...

His head shoots back up and it scares me to death, "OH I KNOW. You said you like Taylor Swift right?"


"And I like Ed Sheeran right?"

"I guess so."

"Well didn't they write a song together?" He gets all excited.

"Oh my gosh you're right! It was like, 'Everything has Changed', right?"

He nods like crazy.

"OH MY GAWD. That's the song then!"

He nods again.

"Well aren't you a smart cookie?" I laugh and he blushes. Wait what? Why would he actually blush because of something I said? Maybe I just imagined it...

Then I remember the second part to the assignment. "Sooo that's our song then. But how does it relate to us?"

His smile fades, "oh that's right. Well maybe we can see once we start practicing, I guess? It'll probably come to us by the time we preform. It's not like we're gonna be first anyways."

"That's true." I go. But I mean, it's kinda a lovey-dovey-ish song right? Love at first sight? This is gonna be awkward. But I MEAN AWESOME RIGHT?! I've waited so long to sing a song with him. Let alone a LOVE song. Everyone says he sings like an angel. Well I'll just have to see if that's true, wont I?

"Alright, so next is practicing. And we have to over break, so should it be at mine or your's first?" I bite my lip. This gonna be even awkwarder. He probably doesn't even wanna see me over break.

"We're on break a week. Damn, that doesn't give us much time. How much practice do you think we need?" His eyebrows scrunch up.

I shrug, "Let me hear your voice first." He straightens.

"What?" I go.

"I'll only sing for you if you sing for me." He says with a completely straight face. Why would he be nervous?

So I'm like "Of course. But you first."

He lets out a deep breath and starts singing a song. oh my hotdogs they were all right. He IS like an angel. I could like, cry right now. No, don't cry Nikki. Keep it together.

I'm not even hearing what song he's singing. I'm just seeing how his mouth moves perfectly and how his voice goes perfectly with it. Dude, I'm actually scared to sing for him now. I'm never scared to sing.

He finishes his little angelic hymn. I'm pretty sure my mouth is hanging down to the floor and my eyes are as big as watermelons. He just looks at me.

I start to clap. "Oh my god Louis, that was amazing!" I gush. He blushes again, now that time, I didn't imagine it. But still, WHY WOULD HE BLUSH?!

"Aww thanks, love. Now your turn." He leans toward me and smiles. Dangit, what am I even gonna sing? Oh wait, I'm stupid, the song I always sing. I get the butterflies in my stomach. How his perfect blue eyes are staring into mine. NO. YOU ARE NOT WEAK. JUST SING.

I close my eyes so I can't stare into his and start to sing, "For the First Time." By The Script. My favorite song.

Halfway through the song, I open my eyes to see Louis staring at me with big eyes. A smile spreads across his face.

When I finally finish, he breaks into loud claps immediately. "Nikki, that was awesome! I didn't know you could sing!" Now it was my turn to blush. It's not everyday you get a compliment from the most popular, AND hottest guy in school. "Thanks. I try." I let out a small giggle.

"Well don't, cause you're amazing anyways." He smiles at me. Then we go back into an awkward silence, just staring at eachother.

"So." I finally break the silence. "Since we've both heard eachother, how many practices do you think we need?"

"Umm, well, since we're both good, I'm just gonna say maybe 3 times over break? It'll also give us time to think of the reason for our song." He goes.

"Perfect. 3 times it is then. How bout we meet up Sunday then? My place or your's then?" I ask, kinda scared for his answer. It'll prob be like, 'ew. I don't want you at MY house...'

"How bout mine? I've got plenty of space cause my parents are gonna be out all day. Then you can stay for a movie after we practice?" Did he just ask me out?

"Wait, you mean like, you actually WANT to hang out with me?" I'm more surprised then when I found out Lizzie's turtle was a guy. Not a girl. Maybe that's why he didnt like dress up...

"Well, yeah sure. You're actually kinda cool. But I mean, only if you want to stay..." He looks down at his hands again.

It takes a lot of energy not to jump into his arms, "heck yeah. I'll love to stay. I've got nothin to do anyways."

His head shoots up with a giant grin on his face. "Awesome. Can I have your number too? Ya know, just in case?" Am I dreaming right now?

"Sure, can I have yours too? Ya know, just in case?" I wink. He nods and we hang eachother our phones. I punch in my number with my contact-name as "Music buddy". I hand him back his phone and he does the same.

Then the bell rings and we both walk out the door to go to our next class. And I swear, I saw him smiling the whole time as he walked out the door.


A/N: Sorry, guys, kinda short chapter. But heyyyy, you guys like it? Yes? No? Maybe? Please? alrighty then...anyways, hope you all keep reading!!! :D

<3, Lauren

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