Chapter 18: Andy and the Makeup

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--Nicole's pov--

It's midnight and Niall still hasn't showed up. Seriously? Where could he be?

We're all sitting in Laura's TV room watching some horror movie. I forget what's it called, and honestly, lost interest in the second half. I think there's something going on with this murderer called "Andy" or something? idk. I look around the room to see Zayn asleep in the corner, Liam looking as bored as I am, Lizzy and Laura totally interested in whatever is going on in the scene, and Harry with his arm around Laura. Except he's not watching the movie, he's just sitting there, staring at me.

"what?!" I mouth in his direction.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go make some popcorn. And Nicole's going to help me." Harry suddenly says. Before I can protest, he grabs me from off the couch and drags me to the kitchen with him. Once we get in the kitchen, I rub the arm that he had a strong hold on, feeling my soft cast still on my arm. Shoot, I didn't go get this off like I was supposed to. Eh, ill do it tomorrow.

Harry unwraps a popcorn bag and throws it into the microwave. He presses a few buttons and turns it on. He turns to me, I smile sweetly at him. "Don't play innocent." he glares.

"What did I do?!" I ask, confused.

"You broke poor little Nialler's heart that's what."

"Excuse me?" im so lost.

"The way you yelled at him? Yeah. You like killed him on the inside."

"Hey! I was going to apologize to him today if he ever stinkin shows up!" I say, defending myself.

"Yeah yeah, sure."

"I was!"

"Just do it soon."

"Why? I mean, I get it that he's your friend and all, but why are you getting so mad?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

Harry looks like he just exploded with annoyance. "Because he wont stop complaining to me on how much he misses you!"

I laugh, it seems like something he would do. "It's not funny!" he yells at me annoyed.

"It kinda is." I smile. "Wait, why doesn't he just apologize?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because he was right?" Harry says, kind of mocking me.

I glare at him. "Don't you start. That's not true."

"Whatever. Believe what you want!" He says dramatically, as he holds his hand up to my face in a talk to the hand sista! motion.

I laugh. "Fine then. I will!" The microwave beeps, indicating the popcorn was done.

Harry winks at me. "you welcome." he opens the microwave and grabs out the hot bag.

"Thanks, Hazz." I give him a hug as he dumps out the popcorn into a bowl.

He smiles as we hear a car pull into the driveway. "GO TO HIM." Harry yells at me as he runs back into the TV room.

I chuckle and walk over to the door, unlock it, and step outside to wait for Niall. He hops out of his dad's car, that I'm guessing he borrowed, and starts to walk up the rest of the driveway. He stops in his tracks as he notices me in his way. "Please get out of my way..." he mumbles as he tries to get past me. I hold out my hand to stop him. "Not until we straighten this whole thing out."

"What's there to straighten? I came to help, you said you hated me, and I walked away. Done." He says flatly.

I sigh, "Niall, I'm sorry."

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