Chapter 6: The Beach

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--Nicole's pov--

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUTT MONKEY." Oh joy. Looks who's home.

"Good to see you too, Faith." I grumble to my little sister. Faith just turned 13 last month. She's been away at a cheerleading camp for the past couple of weeks. (Why its during school, i have no idea.) I guess my mom just dropped her off. And when I say dropped her off, I mean unlocked the door for her and then drove to work.

My parents got divorced when I was 5, so Faith was pretty much 1. My dad abandoned us because we reminded him too much of my mom, so we just gave up on him and lived with my mom. But the problem with that is that my mom is a doctor, so she works late and leaves early in the morning. I'm pretty much Faith's mom, which is fine by me. I love her to pieces.

I just feel bad for my mom in that situation. I know my mom tries to get to know her daughter more, but Faith doesn't let her. I think Faith is just mad that her mom isn't like a normal mom. But oh well, she's happy with me being her "mother" so...yeah.

"DID YOU MISS ME?!" She screams.

I roll over, "oh, of course not."

"Wha- what?"

"OH COURSE I MISSED YOU" I pull her onto my bed and tickle her. She screams like crazy. "Stop. Stop. I'm gonna pee!" She cries.

"Fine." I sigh out as I let her catch her breath."

"Sooo what are you making me for breakfast?" She asks. I look over at the clock: almost 10 o'clock.

"Shoot. I was supposed to meet Niall a half an hour ago." I jump out of bed and run over to my closet.

Faith lays on her stomach across my bed watching me. "Why? Where you goin?"

I pull out my new bikini, a pair of basketball shorts, and a baggie T-shirt. I throw them on my bed and start to get undressed. "We're all goin to the beach today and Im goin over to his for breakfast. Wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm meeting Bree today. We're goin shopping. But I will go over for breakfast. Wait, is Niall gonna cook for us?" She raises an eyebrow.

I just stare at her after I pull the shirt over my bikini. "Really? You think NIALL HORAN will cook breakfast?"

"Eh. You never know." She laughs.

"Whatever." I chuckle to myself as I grab my bag from the closet that I had prepared last night for the beach. I swing open my door and walk into the bathroom. After I brush my teeth and finish up everything else, I hop down the stairs finding Faith already at the door, and ready to walk over to Niall's.

"Ready?" I say smiling.

"Yup!" She swings open our front door and walks down the driveway. I grab my phone from the kitchen counter, and walk out the door as well, locking it as I go.

I follow Faith up to Niall's door. She rings the doorbell and we wait. I hear stomping from inside the house, then hear a giant thud, indicating that he fell. "So stupid." Faith mumbles as she gives herself a facepalm.

The door swings open to Niall's smiling face. "GOOD MORNING, MY LOVELY POTATOES." He yells. He gives Faith a big hug and welcomes her home. Niall is pretty much her big brother.

I give Niall a hug after Faith walks into the house. Something smells amazing. "What smells so good?" I ask.

"I made you guys pancakes!" Niall says,  giving us a wide smile.

Faith spits her tongue out at me. "Told you it was possible!"

I roll my eyes and sit down at his kitchen table. "So where's your dad?" Faith sits down next to me.

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