Chapter 20: Heartbreaker

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--Nicole's pov--

I can't move. I can't breathe. I can't believe it.

How could he do this to me?

A circle has formed around them. I want to cry.

In the middle of the room, there they are: My date, making out with another girl.

I try not to loose control. Maybe it was an accident. Like, maybe she started kissing him first right? RIGHT?!

I draw in a shaky breath. I must breathe. In, out. In, out. I take a step forward, I need to get a closer look. Maybe it's not even him? Who am I kidding, it's totally him.

I get closer to the circle just as they pull away from the kiss. I get a good look at the chick: Melissa. Eww why her? she's a total slut...

Then it clicks, didn't they used to go out? Oh my god... OH MY GOD. She's trying to steal my boyfriend!

I want to cry. No, I need to cry. I feel tears stream down my cheeks. The crowd opens up for me as I get close enough. Most of the people that I know had opened it up. They know I was with Louis. They know what's coming.

Melissa is all over him. She starts laughing at something Louis said, but stops when she's sees me thru the spit that opened up in the crowd.

She points to me and Louis looks over. "Hey babe, surprised?"


--Niall's pov--

The music is sick. Its all danceable to, too. Like there's no music where you just stand there. Awkward.

The problem is, is that I haven't seen Nik. At all. I guess she's having fun tho, cause if she didn't, I'd know.

Miley Cyrus is on full blast after they announced the king and queen. damn I love this song. See what I mean? Great music!

I look at Laura and Harry who are like, spazz dancing. Liam and Lizzy went to go take pictures or something. Zayn and I just stand there. No dates, so it'd be weird to dance. And I am NOT dancing with Zayn...

I turn to say something to him, but I see somebody already beat me to it.

"Hey Zayn. Great music right?" Leah says shyly. I don't think Zayn has registered it yet. he's been waiting for this moment since like Freshman year.

"Oh um yeah. Totally." He says a little too happily.

Awkward silence follows. He tried again, "you look beautiful. But you probably already knew that." And she blushes. I get a good look at her: her long black hair was curled (kind of like Nicole's was), soft blue strapless dress, and blue makeup. Oh my gosh I was talking like a total girl right then...

And she looked hot. I mean, hot in a friend way. I'm not taking her away from Zayn, cause he deserves her.

"Thanks. You look handsome too. Oh, and hey Niall."

I nod, "sup."

"Sooo... Do you want to dance?" Zayn asks her shyly.

"Definitely." She smiles. Zayn takes her hand and guides her over to the dance floor. Annnndddd I'm alone. During Prom. Fun.

I go back over to the snack table. Might as well eat, right? I sigh as I take a cupcake from the table. I should of asked someone to go with me. I need to get over her. She's happy with Louis, so I should just move on.

I turn around and take a look at the room. Everyone dancing, grinding, kissing. Just like every other boring dance. I shove the cupcake in my mouth, and go to throw the wrapper away, when something catches my eye. A large crowd formed around the left side of the ball room. What the hell?

I walk over there to see what's up. I've got nothing better to do anyways.

I get up to the group and stand on my tip toes to see what's in the middle of the group. No luck. Too many people. I look around for an opening. Nothing.

Wait, nevermind. An opening formed over by the front of the circle. Score.

I walk over there and see what the commotions about. My blood boils over and I'm about to explode. Louis and his ex Melissa are like eating each other's faces in the middle of the circle. I'm about to yell at him when a thought occurs in my brain: why is there such a crowd?

There's plenty of people making out in the room. Why would they- The answer hits me like a boulder. Nicole. Nicole's not here. Where is she? I look around frantically. What happened?

I start walking faster around the crowd to find her. What did he do to her? The opening that I had just left opens up farther, and I see her.

She looks like she's going to fall apart. I can't move. I'm frozen. I have to get to her, but I don't.

Doesn't she deserve this? I warned her that it would happen, but she wouldnt listen. It's her fault. NO STOP IT. I push the thoughts out of my head. She didn't deserve this!

Louis starts to talk to her. I can't get to her because if the crowd. Get out of my way bitches! I'm stuck between some big sweaty guy and nerd. I moan, gross.

I try to listen in on the conversation, it's the only thing I can do:

"Hey babe, surprised?" Louis laughs.


"Face it sweetheart, he doesn't like you. He never did." Melissa cuts Nikki off.

"That's not true! Right Lou?" Nikki's voice cracks.

Louis lets out another laugh, "your pathetic, you know that? Like I would ever like you? Your a nobody. And Melissa's a somebody.." Melissa kisses him again.

"Then why were you so sweet to me?" I can tell Nicole has started to cry.

"You need me to spell it out for you? One: I needed a good grade. Two: your sexy, and I was just itching to get in your pants. Too bad for you tho, I realized Melissa was sexier, and way better then you."

No answer from Nicole. I look around for her. She stands in the same position as she was before. Confusion, sadness, and anger floods her beautiful blue eyes as the tears pour down her face.

"Anyways, I just wanted to inform you, that you were easy for him. And stupid. And NO ONE likes you. No one ever will." Melissa says popping her bubble of gum she blew, smiling.

I look back at Nicole. She opens her mouth to say something but stops. I hear Louis laugh, but I don't care anymore. I push my way thru the crowd to Nicole, but when I get there, I'm too late. She runs out of the ball room crying.

I start to run after her but stop when I hear Louis's evil voice. "Gonna chase after her, Loverboy?"

I turn to him, "what was that?"

"you do know she doesn't like you right?" He smiles.

"Shut up, you dick."

"I'm just warning you. She's not going to like you. You in the friendzone. And you will never get out. She's a bitch anyways, I'd get over her."

I can't control my actions. I walk right up to him, and punch him as hard as I possibly can. I could care less what he says about me, but when he says something about Nicole, that's when I loose it.

Melissa screams, but I don't look back to see why. I'm already half way out the door.

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