Don't believe everything you hear(TF)

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Rose's pov

Ugh, just who does he think he is? He might be a giant alien robot but, I could care less. He needs to learn some respect.

I walked along the empty road. It was cold and it was slightly damp out. I sighed as I walked.

I am not turning back. I don't care if I freeze to death. I'd rather die than be with that arrogant bastard.

I heard the engine of a semi behind me. I stuck out my thumb, in hopes of catching a ride. I heard the semi start to slow down and I looked and saw it stop beside me. It was a red and blue Peterbuilt. I smiled to myself as the door popped open and and man was sitting in the drivers seat. I climbed up.

"Thanks. I didn't actually think someone would stop." I said. He nodded.

"Where to?" He asked. He had a deep voice. Almost soothing. He had the bluest of eyes and he had blue hair that suited him well.

He looked good for a truck driver. I mean, I'm not saying truck drivers were ugly, just normally when a girl hitch-hikes with some random guy who drives a semi, there normally creepy old perves.

Not always though.

"Uh," I exhaled deeply and thought for a minute, "Lancaster, South Carolina." I said. He nodded and started to drive.

"May I ask why you were out in the cold?" He asked. He genuinely sounded curious. I groaned.

"This jackass of a...well....I can't say what he is but, he kidnapped me so I could be his GPS or whatever and he treated me like shit and I said screw him and he dumped me out in the cold. But ta tell ya the truth, the cold is so much better than being with him." I said. He gave me a curious look.

"Why can't you say what he is?" He asked. I sighed.

"Cause, well....Actually I don't know....the whole world knows who they are...." My ADHD started to kick in and I went off track, "Though, I would like to meet one of them. Well, a nicer one really. They all seem cool to me. But, I don't think humans are very nice to them. I don't agree with that." I said. The guy just stared at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. I looked at him.

"The transformers. They seem cool to me and it'd be cool to meet a nice one, the autobots I believe they were called. They just seemed cool to me. But, humans just seem like jackasses to them. I don't like that. It kinda pisses me off." I said. I heard a loud engine and I glanced in the mirror of the door and saw that hot-headed jackass.

I groaned in annoyance.

"Oh great, there he is." I said, rolling my eyes. The truck driver chuckled.

"Oh, I know him. He can be very....cruel at times but, I'm sure right now it's mainly due to the fact he's looking for his twin brother." He said. I looked at him.

"His twin brother? Wait, so there's another guy that acts just like him?" I grumbled. The truck driver chuckled.

"Actually no, there polar opposites. But, they just get along really well. Well, most of the time. His brother is more of a jokster and is less temperamental. But, he can be very angry if you do something he does not like." He said. I hummed at that and looked at the Lambo driving behind us.

"How do you know him?" I asked. He thought for a minute, maybe trying to be careful about how he says whatever it is.

"Because, I'm his leader." He said. I stared at him but, surprise wasn't shown.

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