notes xi

499 51 9

:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

it's a little unbelievable how far this project has come. this is our eleventh chapter, which means we've received 77 notes. and there are many more sitting in our drafts. these numbers may not mean much to any of you, but i never expected this to be a success.

[i actually thought it'd fail lmao]

but thank you all so much for your support. it's great to see so much response for a postivity project. y'all are bad bitches and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


JUST A NOTE TO:  cosines
I don't know how I'm supposed to sum how much you mean to me in a few words. I could write a book on you. You're one of the sweetest, nicest and caring person I've met. I don't know how you've managed to bring down my walls and make me laugh as hard as I can, in such a short amount of time. You really are incredible. I hope you have an amazing day, week, month, year, and life. Cause you deserve it babe, you deserve the best and a whole lot more. You're always making me smile, and I felt that this was the least I can do. I care a lot about you, and I want to give you the hottest guys in the world. Not even going to say jk, cause I'm not. You deserve everything good. Don't let anyone bring you down, you do you babe. Especially writing, you're amazing at it. You're beautiful, funny, sweet and incredible. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you so much <3



JUST A NOTE TO: Bionic_Bullet
You are my newest, bestest, and most obsessest cheer friend a cheerleader could ever have. We have known each other for about 2 years, but it feels like an eternity! Thank you for being awesome, amazing, funny, sarcastic, and just you! Hopefully we can meet up soon! Love ya!



JUST A NOTE TO: thebandom109
You have inspired me to do a lot. My whole world lights up when you message me! I just want to say I appreciate what you do for me dearly. From you kind words, to you inspirational phrases. I don't know how I would live without you..,



JUST A NOTE TO: Firebreathingmermaid
You are seriously a joy! I absolutely love your art and you are such a kind and amazing person! I absolutely love seeing that you've updated and I always love stalking your Instagram I'm glad I got to meet such a lovely person like you through wattpad!



JUST A NOTE TO: authorcat14
Your books are so. Freaking. Amazing! I seriously want there to be a petition to make your books into movies! You are so talented and are kind of like my soul sister! We have a lot in common and it always brings a smile to my face when I see you've updated or you replied to my comment or whatever the case is! You're such a great and amazing person! Don't ever stop being you!



JUST A NOTE TO: woodlandic
hiya ^^
words cannot thank you enough for all the encouragement and support you have given me on my books, even though I know they're not all that good. We didn't know each other that well at first, but now that we do know each other a little better, I'm glad we do. Your works are amazing. Keep up all the good work!
*edited [refer below]



JUST A NOTE TO: katiecruz
Katie, thank you so, so, so much for dealing with me. And for talking with me on here till 1am.. Hopefully one day we can both talk for a whole night but it's not like that's gonna happen haha. You are an amazing friend and I just want to say thanks for talking to me! We haven't actually known each other for a long time, but it sure feels that way to me lol! Also, your story is amazing!! I can't wait for the next chapter to read what happens! Love ya <3
*edited [refer below]



*edited to remove mentions of book titles

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