notes xv

119 20 2

::::: notes :::::

enjoy the next batch of notes, lovelies <3


JUST A NOTE TO: HungerFreak
To be honest, I don't even know where to begin. The way you profess your faith really encouraged me in professing mine. You treated me like an actual person when no one else was, and I always felt like I was talking to someone who actually wanted to talk to me when I'd pm you. You're beautiful on the inside, that I'm confident of, and God has given you some amazing skills you utilize in amazing ways. Your creativity and writing skills have always amazed and inspired me. Thank you for being you, and letting me know you. It's been an honest pleasure.



JUST A NOTE TO: KyurikoTea
About a year ago now, I was smack in the middle of a serious canyon of depression. I was considering quitting Wattpad, and after that, maybe even life. When I posted a message about leaving Wattpad, though, you responded within minutes encouraging me and telling me you hoped I wouldn't. That meant the world to me--clearly, since I'm still here a year later, have a bright future ahead of me, and vividly remember you and that message. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you for that message. I'll never forget it. You are an amazing author and an even better person. God has blessed the world tremendously by giving us you.



JUST A NOTE TO: How_To_Rock_Books
Crazy as this sounds, for a period of my life, you were the one person I honestly considered a friend. You talked to me when no one else would, you wrote awesome stories I loved to read, you read my stories... Basically, even though you had no way of knowing it, you were my friend when I needed one most. Thank you for being there, and for being such a great friend.



I guess this is probably odd, but I remember you when you were brand new to Wattpad. I don't even know anymore how I first stumbled upon your profile, but I loved your book from the first chapter. The more I got to know you the more I got to see what an amazing person you are, and I'm glad I had that opportunity. Now, you have more followers than me! Your writing has gotten steadily better, you're popular in the circle you write in--you've made it! But you're still just as amazing a person as when I first knew you, and that says more good things about you than I could ever put on paper. You're a cool person, inside and out, and I'm glad to know you.



JUST A NOTE TO: decadently
First of all, you are my favorite on Wattpad. I know, making you my favorite even though I've known you for two days or so is weird, but you are. You truly are my fam. Second of all, you make the best covers I have ever seen. Sure, I've seen greater, but yours are my favorite. Third of all, I think you should make some books! I would absolutely love to see your beautiful work!



JUST A NOTE TO: StreakTheCrisis
my dearest, sunfish.
hello. i hope you are doing well. yikes. i have been staring at this screen for approximately 19 minutes and my brain has not been functioning properly. perhaps the axons in my neurons have stopped firing. or the dendrites in my brain have disconnected. although i do not know exactly why i am choosing to write this note to you at such a late time, 2:23 am to be exact, i hope you get something out of it. may you forever be content. ha. i am not contradicting myself anymore. it will be long before you hear another one of my useless rants about happiness. but you should still expect my rants on existentialism and philosophical matters for a unimaginable amount of time. this note may turn into a long ramble of how perfect you and your poems are. oops. so, sunfish. be content. your presence enlightens me. one day, i will teach you the violin, and one day, you will teach me the ukulele. one day, we will finish that bucket like of ours with exactly 19 points, and have an endless amount of adventures. sigh. one day, we will move to japan with the squad and live in micro-apartments and take care of hundreds of cats. wowza. so many plans we have dreamed of, i will promise to drag you along to all of our plans and fulfill all of our adventures. i also wanted to remark on how absolutely amazing your poetry is. wink wonk. i promise not to give you a jar full of mayonnaise and memes and fill your locker with salt. instead, i will fill your locker with pebbles and glitter. ;))))))))))))))) it is always the time for a winky face. i hope that you are content and that you continue in your passions. i am afraid that this note is coming to an end. only about 300 more characters until the maximal capacity of this note is reached. oops, only 200 now. i just wanted to say that your presence will never cease to inspire me. ;)))))))) farewell, sunfish. stay content.



JUST A NOTE TO: @itsgivengrace
The minute we became friends years ago I never expected you'd mean a lot to me nowadays. You've helped me through rain and shine and showed me the right way. You are an inspiration, and a good influence to many, many souls. Especially mine. Thank you for being you and please don't ever change. Because I love you just the way you are. No matter where God takes you, don't forget to smile, big bro.



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