notes xiv

167 21 6

:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

sincere apologies for my relative absence. i have no more energy left hahaha so just enjoy this next batch of notes.


JUST A NOTE TO: sarena_a
Sarena, I think I am sure that honey flows through your veins rather than blood. Your stories have one mission to brighten our minds and you, you brighten our days with sweet words. You are so friendly and always willing to help sometimes I doubt if you are just a human. Have a wonderful day and take care of yourself to, you are very precious.



JUST A NOTE TO: PierceTheSirens8

i love your stories they make my day ily <3



JUST A NOTE TO: leigh_
Leigh, I'm honestly just writing this to tell you how much of a fantastic writer you are. Although I haven't read all of your books, I've gone through a fair few (still waiting on 'Double Vision'!), and I've loved every word I've read. You have an amazing way with words, and I look forward to seeing more of what you write in the future! Also, congratulations on being published. You deserve it!



JUST A NOTE TO: isalina123
You are a gorgeous girl and such a brilliant writer! Your stories keep me wondering all day about what will happen next once I've finished a chapter. You encourage me when i don't feel 'writy'.Thanks you xxxxxxx



JUST A NOTE TO: _Crazy_or_Naw_
Hi! I just wanted to start off by saying how much of an awesome poet/writer you are! Of course, they're not perfect, by I can tell that they're made of pure expression. Your new recent book is really good too! You're one of the sweetest authors I've ever met, and always reply to my PMS, even though they can be slightly annoying. I really hope your books might get actually published some day, even though there is a LONG way to go. Your comments never fail to make me laugh, and I can always find the best books from your activity. Thanks so much for being you, and keep updating!



JUST A NOTE TO: RachelS8766
You've always been very kind and supportive, and I'm very thankful for the votes and comments you've given me. You're such a nice person, and your graphics as well, like wow. They are literally amazing and I really hope to be able to do what you do someday! And one last thing! Your stories are absolutely amazing, just don't forget that! <3



JUST A NOTE TO: makayla_caldwell
You have one of the most purest and kindest souls I have ever seen. To come across someone like you, it's amazing, because it's honestly refreshing in a world like this. So please, please don't ever lose that pure soul of yours. Keep it, hold on to it tightly.
You're also a great writer. You have tons of time to improve and become the writer I know you can be. Don't worry - you'll sell tons and tons of books in time. I believe in you.I am so glad and happy to have become your friend.



thank you to all who continues to support this project even though i'm always mia. thank you to those who continue to send in notes. i really appreciate every single one of you. please do continue to send in notes, but do also note that it will take time (a lot of time) for your note to be published. thank you.

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