notes xii

382 41 17

:::::♥ notes ♥:::::

hello loves. i'm so sorry for my absence, but i'm finally on spring break haha so hopefully i'll be able to have more time to actually start being responsible for the things i have to do on this account haha. enjoy this latest batch of notes [even though they were sent way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth lmao i'm sorry i suck]


JUST A NOTE TO: cityIovers
I know that sometimes it feels as if though the time between you and I is more than the distance and sea we are apart. We've known each other a fairly short amount of time, but all of it has been appreciated and I already considered you a friend. Even though we don't talk as much as we did when we first met, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and how you are doing in school, despite all the stress it causes you. You just recently received your mock results and passed them and I am happy for you, so happy. Keep moving forward with positivity and remember.



JUST A NOTE TO: authorcat14
Haven, you have been a inspiration to me since day one!! Reading your books always makes me smile. You're an amazing writer and you have so much talent- you're going to go far with that, I'm sure. Thank you for being a good friend here on Wattpad! You're such a lovely person and writer :)



JUST A NOTE: famouxx
If there was one single person who could be named the heart and soul of wattpad, it would be you. Your writing is extremely captivating, and you connect with your fans unlike many authors on wattpad who mostly ignore votes and comments. Plus, it doesn't hurt that even though I have no idea who you are in real life, you come across as such an amazing and strong person. Never stop writing, Kassandra! <3



JUST A NOTE: sammybammy124
Hey there human! A sammy bear here. You are a big inspiration to me and your writing is beautiful! You remind me of monochrome rainbows and fluffy white clouds. I feel honoured to know you in real life and if anything, I am happy that I became a part of the sammybears!! You write like every human emotion is just a bullet in the eye; realistic and very humourus.I'm just another sammy bear who likes to write and read tragedy. Goodbye, Eggy. Love you!!



JUST A NOTE TO: Ramsha-Farooq
idk wut to say other than thnq for being there for me n helping me u stayed with me when no one did n i just wanna say tht i am so grateful to u u changed me into a better person please keep writing ur funny books n keep slayin those bitches who hate on zayn be proud of who u r cuz u r more than enough n u r perfect just the way u r yh ? ily <3 <3



JUST A NOTE TO: treadcautiously
A friend from afar
You offer so much, a heart that is kind, Thinking to help others,in your beautiful mind.
Your qualities combined,are extremely rare,
You wake up each morning, with a smile and care. you are patient and sweet, when times are tough,
You never gave up. Maybe once or twice
But at the end..You pulled yourself back on track you are like a diamond in a rough. You are strong and kind. You are a friend; a friend I would call to the very end. We never met,No.But I always knew, From your words and chats. That you are my shining star. You see, you are a special friend, a very special friend to me..a friend with a heart made of gold, Maybe more, a friend to the end.



Hey! I just wanted to say that you are an amazing writer! I get so excited and happy when you update! Not only are you an amazing writer but an amazing person as well! You have made me laugh out loud and cry through your writing: D they are literally the best books I've ever read and I'm so glad I came across them on wattpad. You're amazing and talented. Thank you for being awesome
*edited [refer below]



*edited to remove emojis

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