'Dan's' Day >•<

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Dan's POV

Phil and I sat awkwardly on the couch together in our underwear watching AHS, I had to do something to break the awkward silence between us.

"Let's do something else." I suggested.

"About two minutes ago you were in my pants, in fact they're now on the other side of the room." Phil laughed, trying to cover himself with my bedsheets.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, leaning closer over him and trying to pull the sheets off.

"Not at all," he softly responded, actually moving his body closer to mine. It was unlike Phil to encourage sexual behaviour so I took what I could get at times..

"Then why are you hogging the blanket?" I teased, slowly getting closer to his lips.

"Because!" He shouted as he suddenly jumped up at me and knocked me back so that he was on top of me, he tightly gripped my shoulders and pinned me down taking a deep breathe to respond.

"Because you don't need them," he smirked.

Third person POV

Dan smiled from ear to ear, a cheerful Phil during such an intimate moment was rare -- Phil is normally more worried about what was coming, but for some reason he was surprisingly calm about the scenario.

After a few minutes of playful bites and kisses, Dan and Phil proceeded to Dan's bedroom. They barely made it in the door before Dan started showering his friend with passionate kisses all over his neck, the two collapsed on the bed together -- not breaking their contact.

Phil towered over Dan, completely ignoring Dan's body shaking.

He moved lower and allowed Dan to wrap his arms around his neck, Phil's tongue drifted across Dan's neck and he proceeded slowly kissing him. Dan's only movement were his hands, his finger nails were clawing into Phil's back but he remained calm -- as if he couldn't feel Dan's nails piercing his skin at all. Phil kissed down Dan's body until he reached his hips, he lifted his right hand and started to pull on Dan's underwear -- continuing to kiss each newly exposed area until Dan started pulling on Phil's long black hair as if he were hinting that he wanted him to stop. Dan's legs began to shake and he tilted his head back, holding in a loud moan to the point where he wanted nothing else but to allow it to come out.

".Phi-.. Phil..."

Their body's clashed together, both of the boys were frantically panting and holding in countless grunts and moans.

Dan's POV

You'd expect Phil's body would be cold, almost lifeless feeling due to his ice white skin -- instead it was warm, in fact the only warmth in the entire room that I could feel. I didn't want Phil to think I expected something out of him, I just wanted him to be happy -- I wanted to ask him what he was thinking, what he was feeling, what he wanted, what he needed... but I couldn't force the words out of my mouth.

"..phi..Phil.. I. I think.." Why can't I talk?! Why can't I just ask him??

Phil's motions suddenly stopped, he let me go then looked up at me from where he had been laying.

"What is wrong Dan..?" He softly asked between kisses.

"..s...s..stop." I muttered.

"I know *kiss* you don't *kiss* really mean that." He said, kissing me down my stomach continuously.

I gulped, I suddenly sat up and pushed him off of me -- why did I just do that?? My head was all over the place, I stood up from the bed and paced around my room. Phil looked confused, still laying on my bed speechless.

"I'm... Sorry." I softly whispered, standing in front of the bed. Phil re positioned himself and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"I know you're not used to me acting this way Dan," Phil stood up from the bed and was inches away from my lips. " but I know it's what you wanted, frankly I'm happy now that I can act the way you want me to. I just want you to be happy." He said, throwing his arms around my waist.

"B..but I just want you to be happy," I said.

"You don't need to worry, I am happy. I have always wanted it to be like this but I didn't think you wanted it." He smiled, then he kissed my neck once more.

"I'm just not used to this,"

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Ye-... Uh no, p..please don't stop."

"..you're not ready. It's fine, look... I will see you later ok?"

Time flew by and soon it was almost mid night, I was still just wearing my blue boxers -- I couldn't bother getting dressed.

I later awake until 4am, I couldn't sleep -- cuddling my pillow tightly, I couldn't stop thinking about Phil.

Is he still awake?
Should I go see him? He was only next door in his room..
Is he thinking about me too?

Oh god.

It was so strange that Phil wanted to be so intimate, although I enjoyed that sort of company -- I couldn't tell if he really felt that way or if he just wanted to please me. I finally nodded off just as the sun started to rise, it was obvious I'd be tired and bitchy the next day but Phil would understand -- we usually slept in most of the day anyway.

I was suddenly woken up by Phil's piercing voice getting louder and louder as he got closer, daylight slurped away the darkness as Phil swung open the door to my room.

"Dan! Dan! Dan!! DAN! DAN!" I felt him jump on top of me from behind, I was laying on my chest. He grabbed my shoulders and sat on my back, he shook my to wake me up -- still frantically shouting my name.

"What! what! what! what! what!" I responded as he shook me.

"Goodmorning!" He shouted in my ear.

I heavily sighed and slammed my face back down my pillow, I could feel Phil grinding on me from behind. He wrapped his arms around my chest under my arms and lied down on my back,

"I missed you! It wasn't easy sleeping in my bed alone! Please let me stay in here tonight!! Please please please!" He shouted, still grilling my body tightly.

"First of all, stop getting off by grinding on my ass. Second of all, I um.. I missed you too, it was only a few hours but I .. I didn't get much sleep without you here." I said, lifting one hand to hold his from in front of my chest.

Phil leaned back, allowing me to sit up and give him a big hug.

"I was thinking about what you said Phil," I said softly, refusing to let him out of my arms. "and, if you want to.. we can."

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