Chapter Three ~

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*Lizzie's POV*

After myself and Asa played an Unexpected game of hooky, Mrs. Butterfield showed me to my room. It was the room that Asa's brother, Morgan, used to sleep in. Except it was now painted a nice shade of blue with gold, black, and white accents. The duvet on my bed was white with black and gold designs and the pillows were blue. The curtains were gold and I had a dresser that was white and a desk that was black.

The whole situation seemed perfect from a different perspective. I got to spend my entire summer in a beautiful country with my own, almost professionally designed room and movie star living across the hallway. But it wasn't perfect and I couldn't really think of a reason why.

I was in shock. I flopped on my bed and tried to think of something to get my mind off of him. But I couldn't. All I saw in my brain was the image of him standing there, staring into my soul. And all I could hear in the background was... The song. Again the words played over in my mind, 'I just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time'. It was weird, really. It was like I never understood that song fully... until now.

But I needed to get my mind off of it somehow. So I decided that a nice warm shower would do the trick of easing my mind.

I asked Mrs. Butterfield where the bathroom was and started to prepare. I grabbed two fluffy violet towels and some PJs for after. I also had my phone just in case my friend Megan texted me back. Leaving Megan for the summer was one of the hardest things about this trip. I don't know if she's as sad about it as I am but it's kind of depressing considering we are two peas in a pod. Then I started heading towards the bathroom.

As I walked past Asa's room I really I wanted to stop in and pretend like it was old times but I couldn't. I left him. And he hated me. I could hear him pacing in his room so I figured he was just about as shocked as I was.

I walked in the bathroom and went to lock the door but found there was no lock and the only thing keeping people out was a big sign on the door saying occupied on one side and open on the other. I was about to switch the sign to occupied when I realized I forgot my bathroom essentials. I walked back to room and grabbed them quickly.

When I returned to the door at the end of the hall I found it just as I left it, the light on and the door slightly cracked. I readjusted the towels, clothes, and various bathroom items in my hands and gently kicked the door open. When I looked up I could hardly believe my eyes.

Asa was standing in there with only his boxer shorts on and was turning on the shower. At that moment I seriously lost it. I screamed and dropped everything. As I was running to my room I heard Asa screaming too. I ran into my room, slammed and locked the door, and then ran to my bed. At first I layed there with a pillow over my head just silently screaming but then I sat up and curled into a ball. I was just rocking back and forth trying to recap what happened. That was all I could think of. HE was all I could think of. After that I unwillingly changed the sign in my brain to occupied. Occupied with the thoughts of the one, and only, Asa Butterfield. (A/N #cheesysentence)

*Asa's POV*


'Woah, Woah, Woah. Recap time' I thought.

Alright so, after I saw... Her, in the doorway, I ran to my bedroom. Then, I started to get tired of just sitting around and decided I needed to do something to keep myself sane. BUT I also didn't want to got out of my room because I didn't want to run into Lizzie. So I decided I'd just walk around a bit.

After pacing for awhile I decided that maybe I could sort things out while in a nice relaxing shower. I cautiously exited my room, shut my door, got two fluffy blue towels from the hall closet, and started to make my way down the hall. I pretty much flinched when I quickly scampered past Lizzie's door and silently ran to the bathroom.

I tried to shut the door but the bathroom door had always been weird ever since we moved in. If we didn't slam it , it wouldn't shut. So I shut it again, this time with a little more force. And I got it closed, well I thought I did. I took of my shirt and my jeans until I was just in my Calvin Klein boxers. Then I went to turn the shower on when I heard a scream and I saw... Lizzie in the doorway. She had dropped all her things and was just screaming. Then I started screaming at the fact that I was only in my underwear. It felt like several minutes when it happened but looking back now, it was only a couple seconds. And now here I am. Standing, in shock, in my bathroom, in my underwear, with the door hanging wide open. I put my jeans back on and started to clean up the mess. I put Lizzie's Shampoos and such in the bathroom closet and picked up the things I knocked over. As I was going to pick up Lizzie's towels, I heard something go off inside the heap of cloth. I rumaged through the towels and found a black smartphon all lit up with 'New message from Megan' across the front.

And in that moment I don't know what I did. I just grabbed my shirt and her phone and sprinted to my room.

{A/N Hey Guys! My name is Finley and this is my first story on Wattpad. Tell me what you think in the comments and let me know what you want to happen. Stay Tuned!



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