Chapter Nine ~

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*Lizzie's POV*

As we were walking back from Westminster Park, Asa did something different. Instead of holding my hand the whole way home he let go of my hand about mid way to the house and put his arm around my waist. It felt... um, good? Maybe almost... normal? It was super sweet but it was also a little bit weird considering that two days ago Asa avoided all contact with me and now he's closer to me than he's been in years. But it was very comforting because it was quite chilly out.

As I was enjoying the moment Asa pulled away. "One sec I'm gonna call your mum and tell her we'll be a little late getting home. I don't want her to worry and I was wondering if you want to grab some ice cream?"

"Sure. That sounds really good." I say because honestly I'm really hungry.

"Alright." he says "Excuse me." he walks a little ways away, and puts his phone up to his ear and leans up against a tree just a couple feet behind a wooden park bench. I went and sat on the park bench and waited a bit until I eventually got bored and pulled out my phone. I had three text messages. I must've not heard them because my phone was on vibrate. I looked at them. one was from my mom, another from Megan, and the last one was from... Tobias? I quickly replied to my mother and Megan then I finally opened the message from Tobias. The message read 'you are beautiful'. Well that's a nice thing to text someone, especially a girl.

"Who's that from?" Asa asks from behind me.

"Oh, um, just a friend." I say sort of startled.

"Oh, well ready to go get some ice cream?"

"Yep!" I say, eager for food as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his shoulder too and, again, took in the moment. I really liked having Asa around but I don't know If he actually likes me or if he's just trying to be nice. I really hope he likes me and we could be close like this all the time.

I eventually replied to Tobias saying 'Thank You :)' but before I sent the text I debated sending him back a complement like 'you're cute too!' but I decided against it because I thought we weren't good enough friends yet to do so.

He texted back 'Goodnight, blue eyes. xoxo ;)' I smiled at the text and locked my phone, putting it in my pocket.

*Asa's POV*

Tobias?!?! I really frigging hope that she knows another Tobias because if this is Tobias- my best friend, I'll be pretty pissed. Lizzie said that it was "just a friend" but I saw the name 'Tobias' at the top of her phone screen and I don't think that "just a friend" would text something like 'you are beautiful'. What am I going to do about this. Sure, Lizzie isn't my girlfriend or anything but I was planning on getting there by the end of the summer at the latest and if another boy is going to swoop in and take my Juliet then.. then... I don't know what I'll do. 'Cool down, Asa. Cool down.' My mind says. 'You don't even know what's going on! It could be, like, her cousin or something.' I let these words comfort me and I relax a little.

After my little mental rant I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to try establish the idea that I could take care of her, but I felt that I would get the message across better if I put my arm around her waist, so I did so. I felt so cozy with her in my arms. She gave me a very strange sense of warmth, not just outer warmth, but inner warmth also.

Once we arrived at the little ice cream shack, we ordered our ice cream, paid, then started heading back to the house. When we got inside the house almost all the lights were off. I guess our mothers were sleeping already. I continued holding her hand all the way up the steps until we were at her bedroom door.

"Well, thank you so so much for the day. It was really fun." she said.

"No problem. And I had a fun today too. Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, and thanks again for the ice cream." she said as she opened her bedroom door and started to walk in.

"Wait! Uhhhh." I say as she turns back around "Goodnight." Then I got my last bold move of the night out of the way and went for it. I kissed her cheek. Now, this may not sound like big deal but it really is. I only have a summer with this girl and I need to make every second count. Especially if another guy is trying to make a move on her also. I shot her a quick closed- mouth smile and awkwardly walked to my room. When I got inside my room I sat on my bed and just stared at the floor.

I knew that I probably looked like an idiot because I was just sitting on the bed, my mouth gaping as I ran my fingers through my hair. I can't believe what I just did. I just kissed Lizzie. Maybe it was just on the cheek but the sparks between us that were still rushing through my body made it feel like it was the biggest move I could make at the moment. All I want is to go to her room and stay up all night just talking.

The sparks I felt right now don't feel the same way as the sparks I get when I put my arm around her or when I look into her eyes. It was different. It feels like every time I've ever been happy combined couldn't live up to how I'm feeling now. It felt like a surge of electricity flowing through my body . Like I would never be sad again. Like I want more than anything to go outside and to shout it to the world that 'Asa is back!' I want to go shout to the world that I Love Her! Woah... Wait... did I just say that I loved her? Do I? I don't know. All I know is that I've never felt so strongly about something in my entire life. Maybe I'm feeling so strongly about this so early because this feeling is a long-time-coming. Even though I was mad and upset about her leaving me I still couldn't hide the undeniable real reason why I was devastated- because all this time I've loved her. That's why it hurt so bad every time I'd walk past that picture of us in the living room or why I felt like I was gonna cry every time my mother spoke about them. I always thought that the strong feeling I felt was pain and anger but it was really just pain and Love. Painful love. The feeling of loving her and the pain of losing her. I never want to lose her again. That's why I will do everything I can to keep Tobias and every other boy away from her. Because I can't lose her. Never again.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry its been so long. I had to rewrite this chapter twice because Wattpad kept deleting it. I'm sorry if it's short and kind of sucky. I'll do better next time. Keep voting and keep commenting and telling me what you want to happen. I will talk to you guys later. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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