Chapter One ~

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Chapter One ~

*Lizzie's POV*

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes, yes you have to go" replied my mother.

"But it's gonna be awkward"

"Why would it be awkward, Honey? You guys used to be best friends before we moved."

"Yah, we USED to be 'best friends'." I say putting air quotes around the words while aggressively shoving clothes into a suitcase.

"Well, you're going to have to make friends with him while we're in Islington because he's the only friend you'll have all summer. His mother already told him that he can't see his friends more than three times a week because he needs to be a good host to you." my mother said.

"A good host for me?!?! I don't want his HELP!!"

"You're going to need his help!"

"Oh, so now he's babysitting me?!?!" I shoot back. I can not believe my own mother is leaving me with practically a stranger all summer long.

"He's not 'babysitting you'. You know he's only a couple minutes older and I'm sure he's-

"I can't believe you're doing this to me." I mumble under my breath.

"Elizabeth Rose Fliming! My mind is made up. You are going to London with me to see my best friend and her son and that is Final!" my mother yelled slamming my bedroom door behind her.

"Ughhhh" I mumble into my pillow. I can't believe I have to spend my whole summer in a different country with a boy I haven't seen in years. What if he's annoying? What if he thinks I'm annoying? What if he hates me? Oh, who am I kidding?!! OF COURSE HE'S GONNA HATE ME! He's losing his Summer too... What am I going to do?

After I finished packing I flopped on my bed. 'What am I going to do' kept going through my head. I flipped over and looked at the clock - 10:13 pm. At this time tomorrow I will have officially given up my entire summer for this little 'trip'. What good could possibly come out of this? What am I going to do...


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEE- There goes the alarm. I can't believe I am waking up at 3 in the morning for... THIS.

"Liz! Get your butt out of bed the taxi is already here!"

"One Sec!" I yell back.

Since the taxi was here and I had just woken up, I did a speed clean up. I stripped out of my PJs and put on a nice shirt and a pair of skinny jeans because mother told me it was still chilly in London. I threw on my week old, black converse high- tops and put on little mascara considering I don't wear loads of makeup like the rest of the world. I put my hair in a high, simple ponytail and added a nice blue, stretchy headband to compliment my baby blue eyes. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and decided I looked nice for just traveling all day long. I popped in my ear buds, grabbed my two suitcases and my carry-on bag and headed out the door glancing at my messy but homely bedroom one last time.

I came downstairs to find my mother in a pink shirt and a flowery purple cardigan with black skinny jeans and yellow flats. She looked nice and kinda dressed up so that means that she probably thought that I was underdressed, but she never did say anything.

We piled into the cab and started heading to the airport. I turned around and looked at my comforting home through the back window of the car and started feeling even more depressed. I return from London two days before my junior year starts. I am probably gonna come home to all the awesome things my friends did over the summer - without me. They're probably gonna have a whole bunch of inside jokes and I will just be left out. When they ask me about Europe all I will have to say is how I just sat around and did nothing but be bored and how I was constantly being despised by Asa because he couldn't go hang out with his friends.

    'This is going to be a great summer' I thought sarcastically.


We sat waiting patiently for the plane to take off for over an hour. The whole of the time I spent just looking out the window, wondering what my friends were doing right now. Oh wait, I know- They're sleeping... Like I should be.

The plane took off and I just stared out the window, silently bidding farewell to Illinois- my home for the past 5 years. See, I used to live in Islington with my Mother and Father but they soon got divorced and both my mother AND father moved to America for a change of scenery. My father moved to the white sand beaches of Florida whereas I was forced to move to boring Illinois , where nothing EVER happens for my mom's job. But I did find good friendships in Illinois and even managed to shake off my British accent helping me to never again have to be reminded of the place where my family was split apart. I guess you could say I created a new life for myself because back then even thinking about Islington made me choke up a little. Sometimes I would still get flashbacks from Islington- having almost no friends and my parents always fighting. It was terrible and it is one of the secret reasons why I have been dreading this trip. But, I need to get all of that out of my head. So I guess I will just... Sleep. Yeah, I'll sleep and escape this plane ride to doom.

And in less than minutes I entered a wonderful world of dreams.

Asa's POV

"Woah, woah, woah... All summer long?!

"Yes, Asa, all summer long."

"And I can only see my friends THREE times... A WEEK?!?"

"Correct. But Asa don't be too upset about it. Don't you remember all the fun times you had with her?"

"No." I replied harshly

"Well, they'll be here any minute so you better remember." My mother said.

After that I walked out of the kitchen. As I went to go sit down and watch some TV, I was greeted with none other than a picture of Lizzie and I that I had been covering up with a picture of my family for more than 3 years. I hadn't seen it in a long time. I was even shocked to see HER face so vividly again. It gave me the chills. I guess my mother knew about me hiding that picture and she took the other one down for the visit. In the picture, we were ten years old and at the beach on vacation. We were both standing in front of a massive sand castle and biggest grins were on our faces. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the day that I finally felt like I had a friend and that someone outside of my family cared for...for me.

I thought on that for a second then it all started coming back to me. The sleepovers and the imaginary games. The trips to the playground together and the pillow forts we used to build. The sports we used to do together and the trips to the movies. The times when we were partnered up at school and how we used to walk home...together. All of it was great. I had a...a best friend. But all of that ended when she told me she was leaving. That's all she told me. And for the longest time I was angry with her. I felt like she left me... To start completely over again, and it was terrible. People taunted me because Lizzie and I used to sit at the end of the lunch table together and after she left I still sat there... Alone. Of course after a couple of years I made new friends and did come to find out that she moved because of her parents... But the pain was still there and it had secretly nagged me in the back of my thoughts for the last five years. Often times I would find myself thinking about her at night when I couldn't get to sleep or when I started to zone out at school I would see memories of me and her telling each other secrets until the teacher snapped me out of it. Which is why I pushed Lizzie Rose Fliming out of my mind, but I would still come across her sometimes in my deepest thoughts. And now thinking over it made me realize why it felt like someone punched me in the stomach when my mother told me they were going to stay, for 3 whole months. Three whole months of my dreaded, painful past. I could feel it now. It will feel like I am going back in a time machine. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna- "DING DONG"!

"Crap, that's them! WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!?!?!

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