Chapter Two ~

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Chapter 2~

*Lizzie's POV*

"Liz, Liz, LIZ!" Called my mother I felt myself drifting from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes and looked around. Besides the flight attendants my mother and I were the only ones on the plane.

"Wh- where are we?" I asked still a little dazed and confused.

"We're in Islington."

"Crap. Already?"

"Yah, you slept the whole seven hours."

"Oh, sorry" I say.

Once we got off the plane we hopped on a taxi. It was about 4 in the afternoon in Islington. Mother said that it would take about ten minutes to get their so I just put in my headphones and looked out the windows. The first song that popped up was 'For the First Time' by the Script. Because this song used to be my favorite song and I hadn't heard it in a while I put it on loop. I listed to it about 3 times and then we arrived at Asa's house. It was huge and it looked a little newer but I still recognized it. It was the place that we had countless sleepovers and play dates and tea parties and nice long talks about our little 10-year-old lives. Especially I remember one sleepover we had. We seriously sat in his room and talked for hours on end. It was mostly about how we hated our teachers and how everyone at school was bloody idiots, but it was also the first time I felt like I had a friend, and I felt so loved.

I did often think about this memory, but no other. It just didn't bring joy to me to think about our old times. After I moved to Illinois, I felt lost without Asa by my side to reassure me of my decisions and to comfort me when we I poked fun at. I missed him. But I needed to move on... And I did. Well... Most of me did. But no matter what I did I always had a little piece of Asa's personality in the way I talked and the way I got on with people but I will have plenty of time to think about that while I am spending three months with him. Well, here I go.

My shaky hand reaches for the doorbell and presses it slowly and steadily while I take in a jagged breath. I never thought about this but what if Asa is different. What is he's gone goth or he's shaved his head, or he has freaky Mohawk and earrings. This thought scared me. I didn't want him to look like that. I wanted the old Asa. My Asa.

*Asa's POV*

"Ding Dong". Crap that's them. What am I gonna do?

I go with my original gut instinct and head for my room. Where I plan to be spending most of my summer. But then of course as I was approaching the stairs I heard my mother.

"Asa, Honey. Would you please get the door? I will be down is a second."

"Yeah, sure, Mom." I say casually even though I feel like I am about to barf.

As I make my way down the steps and to the front door I hear the doorbell again. I start to hurry. Once I am standing in front of the door, I prepare myself and hope for the best but expect the worst. Then again, I didn't know what I was expecting. 'What if she's different' I thought. That would break my heart to see her... Differently. But wait?!? What if it's not even her? What if it's just her mother and she's asleep in the car? Or... Or what if it's just the friendly postman coming to deliver a package? But something in my gut knew it was... her. But I'll never know until I open the door. The doorbell rings for a third time snapping me out of my thoughts. Here we go... 3...2...1...

*Lizzie's POV*

Where is everybody? I rang the doorbell almost two minutes ago and still no one. I rang it again to make sure they heard me and still no one. I ring the door bell one last time because I am about to die of suspense. Then... It happens.

I see the door slowly open and I assumed it was Mrs. Butterfield but it wasn't. It was... It was... It was Asa. He still had his beautiful piercing blue eyes and his his brown hair only now it was shorter. He looked sheepishly at me and in that moment it felt like... Like nothing else even mattered. Right then and there the only thing I could think of was a lyric from the song I just listened to. It was the line that said 'I just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time'. I seriously didn't know what to do other than keep staring. I couldn't look away. It was like I was looking into the past. We just stood there staring into each others eyes. Personally, I was waiting for his face too make any kind of expression, but it didn't. His face just stayed... Blank. And I'm sure mine did too. We stayed like this for at least a minute before I was tackled with a hug from Mrs. Butterfield. Once she moved away Asa was gone.

*Asa's POV *

In the distance I could here my mom coming down the steps. She gave Lizzie a spine crushing hug and I used that as my opportunity. I darted up the steps and into my room.

What just happened. Was that... Lizzie? The girl who used to wear dorky glasses now wears contacts exposing her deep blue eyes. Her curly long brown hair was perfectly managed in a high ponytail and even though she wasn't wearing much makeup she still looked... Stunning. 'Woah, woah, woah. You don't like her, Asa! She left you! And she's ruining your summer!' My mind said. But my subconsious mind and also my heart said differently. She looked beautiful. And in that moment, Lizzie Rose Fliming staying for 3 months was slightly less painful.

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