Chapter 12

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~~~ Alyssa's P.O.V. ~~~

As we got out of the house, Marcel grabbed my hand gently, and we walked for what seemed like forever.

"Marcel...where are we going?" I asked kind of tired.

"Don't worry babe, we're almost there. If you're tired we can stop and rest for a while an-"

"No babe, it's okay. But are we almost there yet?" I asked like a little kid.

"Ha, babe like I said we're almost.....we're here!"

We stopped at a tree and a per-fect view of the lake. Wow, it was beautiful.

Marcel sat down, leaning on the tree then I noticed some writing carved on the tree.


"Yeah babe?" I smiled, I just love it when he calls me 'babe'.

"What's that?" I asked and sat down next to him.

He looked behind on the tree where I was tracing my fingers on the carved writing.

"Oh..that..." He looked down at his hands and smiled.

"My dad would always bring me and Gemma here when we were little, with mum. We would always laugh and play together....and he dedcided to," His smile slowly began to form a frown.

"Marcel...?" I asked rubbing his knee.

"He decided to leave us then....he left when I was 8 and he never wanted anything to do with us after that....All I remember from when we were all together was that....he carved our names in this tree and said 'I love ypu and you know I would never leave you.'..." He continued, poiting at the tree.

"Marcel...don't cry..please..." The rain came back, but even more harder.

"Alyssa go back to the house now!!" He said, yelling a bit.

"B-but what about you?" I asked in hopes of that he will come too.

"I'll be fine.....just please go. It's raining and I don't want you to get sick. Please Alyssa." He still looked down whispering.

"But Marce-"

"Alyssa go!!" He finally snapped.

I took the keys to the house from his hand and walked away not giving Marcel second glances.

I forgot the way to way but quickly remembered by seeing Marcel's car.

I shouldn't even have brought that question up.

I finally found my way and headed inside. I went over to the couch and dedcided to watch some television, in hopes of that Marcel will come back. Minutes later I foumd myself drifting off to sleep.

~~~ Marcel's P.O.V. ~~~

Why did I have to get so mean? Marcel you're so stupid!! The inside of me thinks.

I just sat here under this tree. Fucking tree. Stupid fucking tree. I started to cry and just layed here and not think of anything at all except for the tree and how bad I feel about yelling at Alyssa.

I got up and headed back to the house and see that Alyssa is sleeping in the couch.

She was so adorable. I quietly walked past the couch and grabbed a blanket from the closet, putting it over Alyssa then going to my room and changing.

"Marcel..are you in here..?" I heard Alyssa call in the bathroom.

"In the bedroom babe!" I shout.

She walks over and sits beside me.

"I'm sorry." She says looking down.

I tilt her head up and look straight into her eyes.

"No babe. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, besides we were gonna have to talk about my family even more anyway.." I say pulling her closer to me.

She doesn't say anything. I hope she isn't mad or anything. I hope she isn't having second thoughts. Is this all even to good to be true? How could I, Marcel Styles, school nerd, be with Alyssa Edwards, every boy's dream girl? Was she using me? What made her think different of me anyway? Was it because I look a bit different? What? Dammit Marcel you ask so many questions! My subconcious scolds.

~~~ Alyssa's P.O.V. ~~~

I didn't know what else to actually say, which lead to being completely silent for a while.

I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier as I was drifting off to sleep.

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