

I started reading The Book Theif

Oh? What's your opinion on it so far?

Well I think it's sad that he started off with killing a child.

Yeah maybe.
But maybe he's trying to show us the harsh truth that not only the old but the young die too. It's a natural thing that people seem to forget exists.

We'll yeah but can't the guy lighten up a bit?

It's a book about Adolf Hitler and how a girl tries to learn how to read a book about grave digging. Don't think he's suppose to lighten up.

Ok point taken.
Anyway how are you?

Why do you ask the same question?

Because I want to see if you're ok or not.

Why do you bother?

Because of the same reason stated above.

Why do you care?

*Sighs* Can't a guy just ask a friend if she's ok?

I'm your friend?

Yeah what'd you think?

I don't know. I thought we were just strangers talking to each other.

We'll we were at one point but I consider you a friend now.

*Message read*

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