It made my heart clench when she started to thank me. It made me feel a little joy in my heart knowing that I had made some progress with her.

She has a pretty smile to. It's a shame she's locked it away from the world. It really is, she has the kind of smile that could brighten a whole room on a gloomy day.

She had finished wiping her tears and had regained control of her breathing for which I waited patiently for.



"Sorry I didn't really ask you this before are you?"

She asked this now with genuine conern. The kind that you would expect from an old friend that you haven't seen in years and have finally decided to meet again. I smiled slightly.

"I'm doing good. Really good so don't you worry."

"You sure?

"Yup! Don't worry, be happy!"

There was some slight doubt in her eyes but I really was ok! I was better then ok actually. I was excited, happy, whatever else you wanna use because that is what I'm feeling right now!

"So let's start on first-name basis shall we?"

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